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Messaging/inbox help


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hi ive got a wesite that you can pm other users though the website but ive got


//the above line needs to be above ALL HTML and PHP (except for <?). 
//gets the config page, which connects to the database and gets the user's information 
if ($logged[username]) 
//checks to see if they are logged in 

//this allows us to use one page for the entire thing 
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=messages.php?page=inbox'>
case 'write': 
if (!$_POST[send]) 
//the form hasnt been submitted yet.... 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php'>Go Back</a><br><br>
<form method=\"POST\" style=\"margin: 0px;\"> 
     <dl style=\"margin: 0px;\"> 
             <select name='to'> 
$getusers = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY 'username' ASC"); 
             while ($users = MySQL_Fetch_Array($getusers)) { 
     echo ("<option value=\"$users[username]\">$users[username]</option>"); 
//the above line gets all the members names and puts them in a drop down box 
echo (" 
<dt>Message Subject</dt> 
<dd><input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" size=\"20\"></dd> 
<dd><textarea rows=\"7\" name=\"message\" cols=\"35\"></textarea> 
</dd><dt> </dt> 
<dd><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" name=\"send\"></dd> 
if ($_POST[to]) 
//the form has been submitted.  Now we have to make it secure and insert it into the database 
$subject = htmlspecialchars(addslashes("$_POST[subject]")); 
$message = htmlspecialchars(addslashes("$_POST[message]")); 
$to = htmlspecialchars(addslashes("$_POST[to]")); 
//the above lines remove html and add \ before all " 
$send = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `pmessages` ( `title` , `message` ,  
`touser` , `from` , `unread` ,  
`date` ) VALUES ('$subject', '$message', '$to',  
'$logged[username]', 'unread', NOW())"); 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
Your message has been sent."); 
case 'delete': 
if (!$_GET[msgid]) 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
Sorry, but this is an invalid message.
$getmsg = mysql_query("SELECT * from pmessages where id = '$_GET[msgid]'"); 
$msg = mysql_fetch_array($getmsg); 
//hmm..someones trying to delete someone elses messages!  This keeps them from doing it 
if ($msg[touser] != $logged[username]) 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
This message was not sent to you!

$delete  = mysql_query("delete from pmessages where id = '$_GET[msgid]'"); 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
Message Deleted!
case 'deleteall': 
$delete  = mysql_query("delete from pmessages where touser = '$logged[username]'"); 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
All Message Deleted!
case 'inbox': 
$get = mysql_query("SELECT * from pmessages where touser = '$logged[username]' order by id desc"); 
<a href='messages.php?page=write'>Create New Message</a><br><br>
<a href='messages.php?page=deleteall'>Delete All Messages</a><br><br>
<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\"> 
<td align=\"center\" style=\"border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px;\">Subject</td> 
<td align=\"center\" width=\"125\" style=\"border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px;\">From</td> 
<td align=\"center\" width=\"97\" style=\"border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px;\">Date</td> 
<td width=\"25\" style=\"border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px;\">Delete</td> 
$nummessages = mysql_num_rows($get); 
if ($nummessages == 0) 
echo ("You have 0 messages!"); 
echo("<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\">"); 
while ($messages = mysql_fetch_array($get)) 
//the above lines gets all the messages sent to you, and displays them with the newest ones on top 
echo (" 
<td><a href=\"messages.php?page=view&msgid=$messages[id]\">"); 
if ($messages[reply] == yes) 
echo ("Reply to: "); 
echo ("$messages[title]</a></td> 
<td width=\"125\">$messages[from]</td> 
<td width=\"97\">$messages[date]</td> 
<td width=\"25\"><a href=\"messages.php?page=delete&msgid=$messages[id]\">Delete</a></td> 
echo ("</table>"); 
case 'view': 
//the url now should look like ?page=view&msgid=# 
if (!$_GET[msgid]) 
//there isnt a &msgid=# in the url 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
Invalid message!"); 
//the url is fine..so we continue... 
$getmsg= mysql_query("SELECT * from pmessages where id = '$_GET[msgid]'"); 
$msg = mysql_fetch_array($getmsg); 
//the above lines get the message, and put the details into an array. 
if ($msg[touser] == $logged[username]) 
//makes sure that this message was sent to the logged in member 
if (!$_POST[message]) 
//the form has not been submitted, so we display the message and the form 
$markread = mysql_query("Update pmessages set unread = 'read' where id = '$_GET[msgid]'"); 
//this line marks the message as read. 
$msg[message] = nl2br(stripslashes("$msg[message]")); 
//removes slashes and converts new lines into line breaks. 
echo ("<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
<form method=\"POST\" style=\"margin: 0px;\"> 
<dl style=\"margin: 0px;\"> 
<dt><b>$msg[title] -- From $msg[from]</b></dt> 
<dd><textarea rows=\"6\" name=\"message\" cols=\"45\"></textarea></dd> 
<dt> </dt> 
<dd><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" name=\"send\"></dd> 
if ($_POST[message]) 
//This will send the Message to the database
$message = htmlspecialchars(addslashes("$_POST[message]")); 
$do = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `pmessages` ( `title` , `message` , `touser` , `from` , `unread` ,  
`date`, `reply`) VALUES 
('$msg[title]', '$message', '$msg[from]', '$logged[username]', 
  'unread', NOW(), 'yes')"); 
echo ("
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
Your message has been sent"); 
$getrecipient = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '$to'");
$recipient = mysql_fetch_assoc($getrecipient);

mail($recipient[username], "You have a new private message!", "You have a new private message from: <strong>" . $logged['username'] . "</strong> /n/n Click <a href=\"http://speed-racing.netau.net/messages.php?page=inbox\">here</a> to view it.", "From: "); 
//This keeps users from veiwing other users comments
<a href='messages.php?page=inbox'>Go Back</a><br><br>
<b>Error</b><br />"); 
echo ("This message was not sent to you!"); 


But when someone recives a message i want them to get a number next to it, so say the had 1 message there be somthing like (1)  next to the link to inbox.


Ive tryed most ways i can but are you able to find out how to make it do that?

Please help

Thanks :)

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if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0)
echo 'You have a message';


And yeah, I agree with GingerRobot, I didn't actually read any of your code.


Were do i put:

if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0)
echo 'You have a message';

on my code?.

Sorry but im abit new to all this

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