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FlashChat v5.06 installation problem


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I tried to install flashchat v5.06 on my localhost. it has Auto-installer script. when i run the install.php, it checks for 'system meets the requirements' and shows as follows. Due to the 5th option (Files uploaded in binary mode (MD5 7a16b0e4221ff28de06bb4cb8ceddc63) iam not able to proceed further






PHP version >= 4.1.2:                                                                  Yes

PHP 5 compatibility mode:                                                                  Yes

PHP session support (recommended):                                              Yes

MySQL support exists:                                                                         Yes

Files uploaded in binary mode (MD5 7a16b0e4221ff28de06bb4cb8ceddc63): No

PHP setting magic_quotes_runtime is disabled:                                    Yes

PHP setting safe_mode is disabled: Yes

PHP setting suhosin.post.max_vars >= 400:                                         Yes

/temp is writable:                                                                            Yes






The installer has detected some problems with your server environment, which will not allow FlashChat to operate correctly.


Please correct these issues and then refresh the page to re-check your environment.


Some of the problems that have been detected are file permission problems. You must correct these issues manually, and then refresh this page after the corrections have been made. Most FTP programs, like WS_FTP, AbsoluteFTP, and CuteFTP, allow users to change the permissions of files and folders on the server.

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There should be an option in your FTP client where you can transfer files in Binary mode, which is pretty much necessary when you transfer from windows to unix platforms.  Try switching it and re-uploading the install script.

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