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Hi all, I don't know if I can be helped here with this issue.


Basicaly, I have a table with 18 inputs and I put numbers in. I have another field called "total".

Everytime I enter a number an onchange() action calls a JS function which adds this number to the actual total field.


It works fine as far as I don't go back and EDIT a number. If I go back and change the value it does add the new value to the total but doesn't subtract the old value out of it.


Is there anyone that can give me a hint on this. Even if you don't know JS, maybe there's a logic you can think of.


Thank you all for your time.


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The only way I can think of doing this would be to store the value of the field when the user clicks on it by using the onfocus() event on the field. Then in your onchange() js you can compare the old value with the new value and add/subtract the difference from the total.

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This is a golf stats keeper by the way.



I have 18 of thoses all named total_shot_# from 1 to 18

<input class="gameData" name="total_shot_1" type="text" id="total_shot_1" size="2" maxlength="2"  onChange="javascript:countTotal(total_shot_1.value,1);">

Parameters sent to JS :

total_shot_1.value(is the actual value of the field)

1(hole number)


Now the little function in JS

function countTotal(s,h)
	var y = Number(s);
	var z = Number(document.getElementById("total").value);
	var total = y+z;
    document.getElementById("total").value = total;



The number are added to the total field :

<input class="gameData" name="total" type="text" id="total" size="2" maxlength="2" value="0">



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function countTotal() // Note no variables

      var total = 0;

      var fieldName;





      fieldName = 'total_shot_'+i;

      if (!isNaN(Number(document.getElementById(fieldName).value)))







      document.getElementById("total").value = total;


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Thanks for your quick reply.


Unfortunatly it is not working.

Total value field is not getting updated.


Any idea why.


The total field name is ok.  document.getElementById("total").value


If I remove the loop and I force the total value to be a number (ex: total=5;) my field is getting updated with the value of 5.


But if I put back the loop and leave the total=5; it's not updating.

So if the function hits the loop the field is not getting updated.



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The loop should start with 1 - sorry


see code below - have tested and works



function countTotal() // Note no variables
      var total = 0;
      var fieldName;
         fieldName = 'total_shot_'+i;
         if (!isNaN(Number(document.getElementById(fieldName).value)))
      document.getElementById("total").value = total;


<input class="gameData" name="total_shot_1" type="text" id="total_shot_1" size="2" maxlength="2"  onChange="javascript:countTotal();">
<input class="gameData" name="total_shot_2" type="text" id="total_shot_2" size="2" maxlength="2"  onChange="javascript:countTotal();">
<input class="gameData" name="total_shot_3" type="text" id="total_shot_3" size="2" maxlength="2"  onChange="javascript:countTotal();">
<input class="gameData" name="total_shot_4" type="text" id="total_shot_4" size="2" maxlength="2"  onChange="javascript:countTotal();">

etc up to 18

<input class="gameData" name="total" type="text" id="total" size="2" maxlength="2" value="0">


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