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[SOLVED] Creating a testing to see if a folder exists.......


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Hi Guys,


What I am attempting to do is test if a folder exists, I thought the following code would work but it doesn't create the directory based off the usersname.


if (isset($_SESSION['Usr'])) {
$UploadedFile = $_POST['formUploadFile'];

$User = $_SESSION['Usr'];

echo $User;
//Testing if there is a file in perm_images = to the name in $User
if (file_exists('perm_images/$User')) {
//If TRUE	
	// Where the file is going o be placed
	$target_path = "perm_images/$User";

	// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
	$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
} else {
	//Since the IF failed we are now going to create the dir in perm_images = to the name in $User

	if (file_exists('perm_images/$User')) {

			// Where the file is going o be placed
			$target_path = "perm_images/$User";

			// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
			$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
		} else {

			//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");
} else {
echo ("Error");
//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['formUploadFile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "The file". basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']).
" has been uploaded";
} else {
	echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";


Any ideas guys, thanks for the help 8)

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Does "perm_images" have write permissions (0775 or 0777) if not, you will have to be able to write to that directory to create one in it.


Also do you have display_errors turned on and error_reporting set to E_ALL, if not turn it on as that will give you an error which could tell you why it is not working/creating the directory.

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Okay this is the error that I get



Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/.deceasing/thegayestever/thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/php/includes/content/members_home/user_images/upload.php on line 18


Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpWnldIa' to '' in /home/.deceasing/thegayestever/thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/php/includes/content/members_home/user_images/upload.php on line 37


It is as if it is failing on the first if and going to the else, which doesnt make sense cause the file exists so it should continue on. Here is my revised code


if (isset($_SESSION['Usr'])) {
$UploadedFile = $_POST['formUploadFile'];

$User = $_SESSION['Usr'];

//Testing if there is a file in perm_images = to the name in $User
if (file_exists('perm_images/$User')) {
//If TRUE	
	// Where the file is going o be placed
	$target_path = "perm_images/$User";

	// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
	$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
} else {
	//Since the IF failed we are now going to create the dir in perm_images = to the name in $User

	if (file_exists('perm_images/$User')) {

			// Where the file is going o be placed
			$target_path = "perm_images/$User";

			// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
			$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
		} else {

			//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");
} else {
echo ("Error");
//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['formUploadFile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "The file". basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']).
" has been uploaded";
} else {
	echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";


Thanks Guys

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Change the first if to be is_dir


Since you are checking DIR and not for a FILE, that would be the right one to use for that if.


   //Testing if there is a file in perm_images = to the name in $User
   if (is_dir('perm_images/$User')) {

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Okay so now I am getting this error:



Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/.deceasing/thegayestever/thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/php/includes/content/members_home/user_images/upload.php on line 18


Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpjf1bRL' to '' in /home/.deceasing/thegayestever/thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/php/includes/content/members_home/user_images/upload.php on line 37


if (isset($_SESSION['Usr'])) {
$UploadedFile = $_POST['formUploadFile'];

$User = $_SESSION['Usr'];

//Testing if there is a file in perm_images = to the name in $User
if (is_dir('perm_images/$User')) {
//If TRUE	
	// Where the file is going o be placed
	$target_path = "perm_images/$User";

	// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
	$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
} else {
	//Since the IF failed we are now going to create the dir in perm_images = to the name in $User
	mkdir("perm_images/$User"); <------ This is line 18

	if (is_dir('perm_images/$User')) {

			// Where the file is going o be placed
			$target_path = "perm_images/$User";

			// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
			$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
		} else {

			//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");
} else {
echo ("Error");
//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['formUploadFile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {   <------ This is line 37
echo "The file". basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']).
" has been uploaded";
} else {
	echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";


Thanks again guys.

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Do you have a file in that directory that is just the username?


If you put this in:


      if (is_dir('perm_images/$User')) {
            // Where the file is going o be placed
            $target_path = "perm_images/$User";
            // Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
            $target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
         } else {
            die("The is_dir returned false on perm_images/{$User} again, so it is not a DIR...but mkdir will not make the dir.");   
            //header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");


My bet is that die statement echo's out. It would seem to me either a file is there with the $User as the name, or something else is going on, what I do not know.

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Okay guys, I found a fix for it. I am not completely sure how its fixed other than, I set the path in a variable and rather than doing an is_dir I did a file_exists. Here is the code so others can see how I got it to work.


if (isset($_SESSION['Usr'])) {
$UploadedFile = $_POST['formUploadFile'];

$User = $_SESSION['Usr'];
$filename = "perm_images/" . "$User" . "/";

//Testing if there is a file in perm_images = to the name in $User
if (file_exists($filename)) {
//If TRUE	
	// Where the file is going o be placed
	$target_path = "perm_images/$User/";
	echo "1";
	// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
	$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
} else {
	//Since the IF failed we are now going to create the dir in perm_images = to the name in $User
	mkdir("perm_images/$User/", 0777);

	if (file_exists($filename)) {

			// Where the file is going o be placed
			$target_path = "perm_images/$User/";

			// Add the original filename to our target path Result is "perm_images/filenae.extension"
			$target_path = $target_path . basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']);
		} else {
			echo "ERROR 3";
			//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");
} else {
echo ("Error");
//header ("Location: http://www.thegayestcommunityever.com/dev/index.php?section=denied");

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['formUploadFile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "The file". basename($_FILES['formUploadFile']['name']).
" has been uploaded";
} else {
	echo "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!";

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