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As part of my final year dissertation, I was required to produce a website that uses data scraping and feeds. With all this in mind, I have come up with Music Mashup.  A website which takes advantage from the Flickr, Youtube, Last FM and Idiomag API's. 


Please take a look around and let me know what you think! If you also have a spare moment, please give the feedback form in the bottom right hand of the site a go. Or just post your comments back on here :).




While I'm here, I just want to say cheers to some of the guys on here, who helped me out on this project. Very much appreciated :)

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How about actually making those images that image (good you saved 3 http requests by making it one image) a bunch of links to their respective pages?

Could use an image map for that, as it still functions under xhtml 1.0 (or I think it does anyways, under xhtml 1.1 it either doesn't work or doesn't validate depending on the exact code used).


I'd give the image an alt text and use that as the <h1>, by not giving the image an alt text I can already garantuee you the page wont validate.

You got at least 2 <h1>'s on the page, a <h1> is supposed to be used ONCE.

Search machines will only consider it as text more important than the rest if you actually use it once.

"Search for an artist" should be a label with the for attribute set to the inputs id. So instead of:

      <h2>Search for an Artist:</h2> 
      <input name="artist" class="txtfield" id="artist" size="60" type="text">


      <h2><label for="artist">Search for an Artist:</label></h2> 
      <input name="artist" class="txtfield" id="artist" size="60" type="text">



Guess it's scraping the data together with curl requests or something as it takes quite a while to come up with a request, may want to warn ahead of that with something like "Searches may take a couple of seconds even on fast connections" so people don't press back and go elsewhere in the middle of the page request.

On the result page there is again more than one <h1>, Same label / search field story to.

Guess the flashing "M" background-image after search for "Relative Ash" is for mature? Nice to have read the entire page and then realise if you're not old enough yet you shouldn't have. Should be on the top and given a proper title / alt text.

ALL images should always have an alt attribute, even if you leave it empty it should have one.



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