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I often browse through these to-be-critiqued websites to see what other designers are up to, and I must say this one is in the upper echelon of the most professional looking. 


- I will add that I checked out the site in chrome, and it looks beautiful, but upon loading it in IE8, there are some weird scrolling issues while the spokeswoman is doing her bit.  Also, in IE, I don't seem to have access to the spokeswoman controls (pause, exit video) -- they're half off the screen and I can't scroll to them..?


- On the page 5 Great Reasons To Consolidate Your Debt, there are a couple grammar mistakes:

  • 2. Lower Monthly Payment...."Depending how your current interest rate"
  • 4. Pay Off... Without a consolidation program, there’s not guarantee to when you’re debt will be paid off.



Otherwise, I have to say, the content is well managed, and the look and feel is professional. 


It certainly seems like a template - the logo banner looks like an advert in comparison with the rest of the graphics. Personally I'm not actually that keen, it's a little all over the place. The mass of drop down menus and sub menus is confusing. The navigation is pretty poor to be honest, backed up by a not so clever search engine.


Most of the "Apply now" links lead you to virtually the same form with just some minor differences. Could you not perhaps incorporate these into just 1 form? You could then use JavaScript to hide and show different fields depending upon what kind of application they were making.


I think it could be a lot better to be honest, with some work...

automatically starting flash content WITH audio is a big no in my book. (not always in that of a client though). It's utterly annoying and makes me press back/find another site. At the very least store it being closed in a cookie so visitors aren't annoyed by it every time they visit the frontpage.



I'd stick the links at the bottom (home/about us etc) in an unordered list (ul).

San-Seriffs fonts are better readable than sans fonts (google it for many sources), so I'd change the font, even more so cause you're using a very very small font-size (a lot of people over ~50 are going to have problems reading it)

Might want to use the proper tags for that form on the frontpage instead of making it look like it is doing so (that means <fieldset>/<legend>/<label>), plenty of other forms on there not using labels either.


Oh and the good old, the page does not  validate along  with don't use tables for layout. A table should contain tabular data.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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