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Help on parsing external javascript


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Hi guys,


Well, I have a basic templating system in which a HTML file is simply included, and that HTML file contains some PHP.



<td>Your name is: <?= $name; ?></td>



$name = 'John';
include( 'mypage.htm' );



One of my HTML files links to a javascript file:


<script src="myscripts.js"></script>


The trouble is, any PHP code within myscripts.js is not parsed. Is there a way round this? It works when I simply paste the functions from myscripts.js into the HTML template, but I really want to avoid this.


Any help is, as always, greatly appreciated. ;D

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To elaborate. You need to set it as a .php extension and I believe you should also send the header content-type as text/javascript since that is the type of file you are dishing out. It is "not" required to send the content-type. But I just like to :)

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What page is myscripts.js? Can you post what you have for myscripts.js? Or did you mean to say mypage.php?


You can use a PHP extension for scripts. But the catch is that your PHP file has to output JavaScript code! For example:



$e = 'Welcome John!';
echo 'document.write("' . $e . '");';



<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/mypage.php"></script>


That should work.

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What I mean is, throughout my site, there are language variables (as the site is multi-lingual), for example, in index.htm I could have <?= $lang->Hello; ?>, and it works fine. But the language variables in myscripts.js don't work; I could have alert('<?= $lang->Hello; ?>') but it doesn't work. So I need a way of parsing all the language variables in myscripts.js. I tried changing the extension to php, but it didn't work.


Any other ideas?

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External javascript files are requested/fetched by the browser. If you have php code in them, that php code would need to have access to the php variables you are trying to use at the time the file is requested/fetched. Best I can tell is that you are setting these php variables in the php code on your main page.


If you expect php variables that are set in your maiin php file to be available in javascript on that page, you would need to instead use a php include to get that external javascript into the main php page and make it inline javascript.


If you must use an external javascript file, you will need to either put the variables into session variables or separate out the variables into their own include file. Then the external javascript file would either resume the session or include the file with them in order to gain access to the values.

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In your JavaScript file (which should have the extension .php and *NOT* .js). Unless you told your server to treat .js files as .php, PHP won't run on it.


In your now .php file, include the class lang or whatever it's called and use it. It should work now. And you can use it as an external JS file as I've mentioned in a previous post in this topic.

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// Lots of irrelevant code here

include( 'index.htm' );





<title> ... etc

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js.php"></script>




<? include( 'language.php' ); ?>

function somefunction()
    alert( '<?= $lang->Hello; ?>' );





$lang = new stdClass();
$lang->Hello = 'Hi';



Hope that helps

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Your problem is likely because of the lazy-way short open tags that are being used in scripts.js.php


Change all <? to <?php and <?= to <?php echo


Edit: In fact, making that change causes the alert box to work for the code you posted. More wasted time caused by short open tags. Don't use short open tags, ever. Sigh...

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