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Your home links should point back to the main url not index.php otherwise you end up with a duplicate content penalty as

http://online-booking.5mservices.com/ is the same as http://online-booking.5mservices.com/index.php


Google will see them as 2 different pages

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<li class="pipe">|</li>

border-right: 1px solid white; on the li with the link seems a lot more logical (could do it all in CSS depending on if you want to give IE (6, not sure about 7) the finger by use of last:child / border-right: 1px solid transparent. Otherwise just attach a class to the last one and do the styling on that.


Typo on the left, EVERY ROOMS HAS :, drop the S behind ROOM ;) and I'd use text-transform: capitalize; instead of actual caps.

Could stick the address on the left in an <address> tag.

almost validates , should put the dots on the i ;)

Some pages use more than one <h1>, <h1> should be used once a page.

<img alt="pipe" src="themes/default/images/header/pipe.gif"/>

Ummm alt="pipe" ? Just leave it empty, alt="".

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://online-booking.5mservices.com/core/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://online-booking.5mservices.com/core/js/jquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://online-booking.5mservices.com/core/js/jquery.form.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://online-booking.5mservices.com/core/js/validate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://online-booking.5mservices.com/core/js/availability.js"></script>

Should stuff all those into one file if you're going to include them on every page anyways, saves precious http requests.


Login form on the left is lacking the "for" attribute on the labels.


Overall very nice though, nice html and a pretty looking/fast loading page.

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Over all, I like the look and feel.


- I think I would change 'Home Page' in the top menu to simple 'Home'. Sounds more natural.

- The small 3 icons along the top right hand side (home, search and contact) could use some beefing up IMO. There are plenty of good quality free icons out there to choose from..

- Unless your site is getting tons of traffic, I would axe the banner ad.


- Expanding on the optimization stuff, you should download the newest version of Yslow for firefox (which now has smush.it! built in).


I have looked at your home page as an example..The stats reported are as such:


HTTP Requests - 52

Total Weight - 471.3K


1 HTML/Text 10.8K

5 JavaScript File 153.2K

2 Stylesheet File 43.3K

28 CSS Image 25.0K

15 Image 223.9K

1 Favicon 14.9K


As you can see, you have some weight in there.. Javascript files /css files /css images and (am I seeing that right? favicon clocking in at 14.9k?? [i think I would stick to the typical 16x16, this can be reduced to bytes]) can be greatly reduced to save yourself (and prospective clients) some bandwidth.


In yslow's 'compenent' tab, I am seeing quite a few images that could use smush.it. You can have a look at Yahoo's best practices to see more info with regards to optimization in general.


If your hosting provider allows gzip encoding, I would consider adding the following at the top of any .php files:

if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')) ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); else ob_start();


and at the top of css files (which you would rename as .css.php):

header('Content-Type: text/css');


I do like the look / design of the site though. Very nice.

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Wow, I didn't think that it has a lot of work to do with the reviews. The reviews you provided are all true and I didnt noticed that it goes that way. I will definitely do all your recommendations. I'll be back after a week and will let you know again about the updates. Thank you so much for your input.

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I've done most of your recommendations. However, there are some that I dont know how to implement it.


Btw, may I know how to do this?


"Should stuff all those into one file if you're going to include them on every page anyways, saves precious http requests."


from Axeia.


I mean, how to combine all those external files into one? I hope you're not thinking to combine all the codes into 1 file?


I'm using php,mysql,xhtml,css and my js framework is jquery.


Any help is highly appreciated.


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"Should stuff all those into one file if you're going to include them on every page anyways, saves precious http requests."


I mean, how to combine all those external files into one? I hope you're not thinking to combine all the codes into 1 file?

Exactly what I mean, one big file!

If your page doesn't have an insane number of visitors you can use PHP to simply include the files in the proper order (or make it fancy and let it grab the files together (require_once) based on $_GET[].

And if you take that approach don't forget to send out a javascript header header("content-type: application/x-javascript");



Reading your post again.. No I didn't mean ALL files as one, just so you end up with one CSS and one JS file.

PHP can use zillions of files without affecting the amount of connections as it's handled serverside and thus not seperate requests on the clientside.

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