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[SOLVED] Mysql Groups


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Hi all,

At the moment, for my forum, I have sticky threads which are gathered seperately from all of the other threads on display, so, for example:


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE `Status`='sticky'");
while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
//...display sticky threads
//and then
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE `Status`!='sticky'");
while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
//...display non-sticky threads


Now, I'm sure there must be a more efficient way of doing this, I'm just not sure how. I was thinking of using "GROUP BY `Status`" or "ORDER BY `Status`", however, the status could be anyting, thus shouldn't be grouped. For example, the status may be locked or private or whatever, in which case, they should be order by `ID`. Only sticky threads should be distinguished from the rest and displayed first.


So yeah, any help is greatly appreciated.



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I'd recommend storing the "stickiness" in a field called e.g. is_sticky (tinyint) instead for a couple of reasons:


1) It's faster to compare integers than strings.

2) Data integrity - it's easier to ensure that it's either 0 or it is not, than it is to ensure it's a specific string.

3) When fetching your data you could then easily sort descendingly by is_sticky, or whatever you choose to call it, which should solve your problem.

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Yeah...but the thing is, I try and use a fewer columns as possible. It just makes it easier to handle. Like, when I look at PHPBB or SMF's tables I just cringe at the amount of columns there are.


So there's no way of saying like... "ORDER BY `Status`='sticky', THEN `ID`" or something like that? :(

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You can do ORDER BY IF(`Status` = 'sticky', 1, 0), but I would still recommend the former approach. Less table fields doesn't necessarily mean a better designed database. Now what if you want to lock it, or have another type of status? It would be completely sensible to have a topic which is both sticky and locked.

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Yeah...I agree. Atm you can't have a sticky & locked thread. I'll leave it as it is atm...change it when I have time. I am a bit OCD about the neatness of my code/tables though :P


But yeah...that code worked perfectly. It's now:

"SELECT * FROM `$tb_Forum` WHERE `Type`='thread' ORDER BY IF(`Status` = 'sticky', 0, 1), `ID` DESC"


Had to swap the 1 and the 0 around for the stickies not to be at the bottom.


How does it work, if you don't mind me asking? I understand the whole if thing, just not sure what the 1, 0 is for...


Thanks for your help,


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Had to swap the 1 and the 0 around for the stickies not to be at the bottom.


Yeah, sorry about that. My bad.


How does it work, if you don't mind me asking? I understand the whole if thing, just not sure what the 1, 0 is for...

Well, it's quite simple actually. You are by default always ascendingly, and because 0 comes before 1, the stickies come before the non-stickies.

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