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Well, I got it to work




array_pop($DataArray); // Go back one.


/* Process the list! */
function ProcessList($Data)
        return array();
    foreach($Data as $DataItem)

    return $List;


:) thanks so that problem is solved, So how will I go about doing a str_replace to replace ^777777 with <font color=blue> ???

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:) thanks so that problem is solved, So how will I go about doing a str_replace to replace ^777777 with ???


Just the way you said it...  What's the problem?  Have you tried it?

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Ok so I have read the manual and have played around I understand that you have to put it into array() and all is working but It will not replace ^777777 etc.. with <font color=red> etc....


This is the code I have to get the Text File information, as you can see I have "ATTEMPTED" to do a str_replace on it :( with little luck

with $Search and $Replace, then I had echoed

 $List = str_replace($Search, $Replace, $List[$row->id]) 

thinking it would work, Still with little luck and have searched google for good examples on str_replace to replace and have tried several other way's as well.


I dont really need the <font color> to be there as long as I can get rid of the ^777777 it will be fine.



array_pop($DataArray); // Go back one.


/* Process the list! */
function ProcessList($Data)
    $Search = array("^7777777", "^000000", "^000088", "^ffffff");
    $Replace = array("<font color=blue", "<font color=red>", "<font color=purple>", "<font color=white>");
    $List = array();
        return array();
    foreach($Data as $DataItem)

    return $List;

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It did not replace anything


A potion which cures ^000088Poison^000000, ^000088Silence^000000, ^000088Blind^000000 and ^000088Confusion^000000 effects. ^ffffff_^000000 Weight :^777777 7^000000

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Now if I wanted to remove more then one say ^000088 ^ffffff ^000000 I would make it a array like

$Remove = array('^777777', '^000088', '^000000', '^ffffff');

then in the code I would do.





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Possibly, have you tried it?


n/m it worked to many characters >



What?  It wasn't working because you had too many characters?



supposed to be





Gotcha, that's what I thought, your wording threw me off.

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Ok, Well I guess I was putting the array in the wrong area, but anyways Problem Solved, I know I have been annoying, and normally I don't ask this many questions but I would Like to thank everyone who have posted here to help me solve my problems >.<


A beer Round on me ><

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Ok, Well I guess I was putting the array in the wrong area, but anyways Problem Solved, I know I have been annoying, and normally I don't ask this many questions but I would Like to thank everyone who have posted here to help me solve my problems >.


A beer Round on me >


It's not that, it's the fact that you post something and ask if it will work.  Instead you should try it out and tell us what the errors are, what happens, what's supposed to happen, etc...


A beer Round on me >


Ooo, Chimay for me.  :P

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