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Critique look of social network


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Don't forget to change the <title> when it's put to use ;)


  • What's the ton of space in the footer good for? Content to follow?
  • For the form I'd start with labels and then let javascript take the labeltext and put it inside the inputfield (and letter javascript remove the label), works a bit beter, or at least start with a darker text color as atm with javascript disabled it's quite hard to see what you're typing.
  • Newest members looks like a list <ul><li> to me, but it's a bunch of divs. Could put the name of the person inside a <cite> as well (your own name in the footer could be inside a <cite> as well.
  • http://myportfolioww.comli.com/privacy-policy.php looks bad at a high resolution, got nearly as much white space under the footer as above it, same for the signup page etc, everything with little content
  • http://myportfolioww.comli.com/signup.php form elements should be accompanied by a <label> with it's for attribute set to the elements ID.
  • It's always the signup link in the menu that's highlighted, should that be for the current page?


The design itself I quite like, I'd however change the copyright bit at the bottom right to align in the center of the menu above it.

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Thanks for the accessibility tips. Habits die hard etc. :) I've never really used labels before. But I know deep down that I should.


The highlighted signup link is more of a LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME ploy than anything else. Trying to get conversions etc.


I haven't really had the chance to look over the TOS and Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is going to get bigger though. That's just the bare bones.


I love space, so I just created some of it on the footer. People love space usually.


Thanks for the feedback.

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You really need to fix the spacing issues between different elements for a nice looking grid. You have a large gap between the left and right columns but smaller gaps between the top and bottom of other elements. Then there is an even smaller gap between the header section and other boxes. Start with a nice grid. You can check out 960grid.  I think you should consider moving the menu to the right to keep a nice balance. Is there going to be other text in the join today box? Seems like a big waste of space right now. The color is ok. Not sure it is necessary to show so many new users.

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Yea, you're completely right. The distance is a bit messed. Might give the left col a bit more leeway to even things out. There is going to be more info in the join today box. Had just started on that area yesterday and never got around to finishing it. It'll probably be another graphic telling the user what features the site has to offer.


I hate the logo... just to let everyone know. Will be changing that. Something doesn't sit well with me in regards to it. I might cut the amount of new users down a bit, if I don't think of anything else to add to the front page. I'll probably be putting latest forum topics on the front page once I finish that section.


Thanks for the feedback. Very constructive so far.

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