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am i reaching the upper limits of mysql?


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working a site that has quite a large database:


125 tables

~93,935,032 records



it's indexed quite well i believe, but sometimes it'll hit a query that's causing other queries to be queued up and brings the whole site down. they are queries that'll usually run just fine, but under some circumstances, which i believe are based on the serverload - it can't handle it.


one of the common situations is when a table with 4.0M records needs to join with a table with 15.1M and another with 6.2M at the same time.


the database is on it's own server, which is a pretty solid server.

4 processors: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5430 @ 2.66GHz

16G of ram

nothing else served from it besides this database


i know this isn't the most descriptive post, but is anyone out there running stuff on the same size/scope or larger? any tips/ideas/suggestions?

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You shlould check some variable values of the server, variables like key buffer, sort buffer size.


If you database type is InnoDb check variables like buffer pool size.


Some times you can improve mysql server increasing this variables.

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one of the common situations is when a table with 4.0M records needs to join with a table with 15.1M and another with 6.2M at the same time.


Check your server settings as suggested.  If it doesn't help then I'd start thinking of ways to reduce the load caused by those types of queries in particular.


If you're managing a database of such magnitude, I'd imagine you already know this, but I'll toss it out there anyways.  On those large table JOINs, if the number of join columns is not large, consider making indexes on just the columns involved in the joins if you don't have those indexes already.  MySQL will plow through the JOIN conditions much faster if all the data it needs for the join is contained in an index.  For example if 3 columns are joined and only two of them are in a usable index, then MySQL will still have to refer to the actual table to pull the third value to determine if a join is necessary.


Are you having any problems with insert or update performance?  If so then you may have too many indexes.

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