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Help with including a file


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config.php is in "public_html/library"

funcs.php is in "public_html/library"

index.php is in "public_html"


Here's config.php



Here's funcs.php

  class werb {
    function page_theme() {
      echo "dbhost: $dbhost";


Here's index.php

  $werb=new werb();


All I get from loading index.php is:



It should be:

dbhost: localhost


What's wrong?

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You need to get GLOBAL variables



  class werb {

    function page_theme() {


      echo "dbhost: $dbhost";




should be


  class werb {

    function page_theme() {

global $dbhost;


      echo "dbhost: $dbhost";




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Perhaps the user's theme is stored in their database profile?


You're going to get confused with all those variables floating around the global namespace.  You'd be better off creating a singleton class called MyConfig that reads your config.php file and loads members with the config values.  Also, you might as well make your config.php a config.ini file and just use PHP's parse_ini_file() function.


/* index.php */
require_once( 'classes/MyConfig.php' );

include( 'somefile.php' );


/* somefile.php */

function a_random_func() {
  $cfg = MyConfig::getInstance();
  echo 'dbhost: ' . $cfg->dbhost . "\n";

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Probably.  But since he's learning...


Consider setting up the MyConfig singleton as I suggested.


I also like to use a Database singleton that returns a handle to a PDO object.  Then I can just do:

$pdo = Database::getPDO();


/* Database.php */
class Database {
  static private $_pdo = false;
  static public function getPDO() {
    if( self::$_pdo === null ) {
      $cfg = MyConfig::getInstance();
      $pdo = new PDO( /* fill this in */ );
      if( $pdo instanceof PDO ) {
        self::$_pdo = $pdo;
        throw new Exception( "PDO creation." );
    return self::$_pdo;

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