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Partitioning Tables

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I have news site, where currently i have 782,692 records in the database.


Its become very complicated when searching this database. So i planned to partition this table.


But, i dont know how to do this.


Could you please help me on this and also i would like you suggest me some good ideas to make the search easy and to load the page fastly.


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This is my general query, and $search_query will contain the search item using LIKE command


$query = "  SELECT i.flag as item_read, f.title as feed_title, f.link as feed_link,f.rating, i.id as item_id, i.link as item_link, i.title as item_title, 
i.cache_time, i.content as item_content, i.publish_time, i.dccreator as dccreator, i.dcsubject as dcsubject, i.latitude as latitude, 
i.longitude as longitude, cat.id as category_id, cat.title as category_title, i.enclosure_link as enclosure_link, 
i.enclosure_type as enclosure_type, f.url as feed_url 
FROM fr_feeds f 
JOIN fr_categories cat ON (f.category_id = cat.id) 
JOIN fr_items i ON (i.feed_id = f.id) 
WHERE $query_search
(i.flag is NULL OR i.flag = 0) ";



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You can find info about MySQL fulltext searching here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/fulltext-search.html


As for Sphinx and Lucene, I already provided you with links for that.


Fulltext searching will be easiest but least efficient way of doing this. It'll of course still be more efficient than using LIKE, but one potential drawback is that it's only available for the MyISAM storage engine.

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