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Average Bandwidth


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I'm not sure I'm even asking this right, but what's your average bandwidth on a server hosting one website? I got an estimate from a collocation provider and it includes 100mbps transfers and is burstable up to 1gbps but if you're using above the 100 mbps frequently then you'll be charged an additional $12 for each mbps above the 100. I'm hoping to have virtual machines setup on my server with somewhere in the range of 40-50 clients per server. Would 100mbps at any given moment be enough for most average websites? What does phpfreaks generally use? Can anyone think of a decent payment pyramid that would make up the $12 a month per mb from clients in the event of an overage? That's a lot of money to charge one customer but I couldn't split it between them all because its probably not going to be all of them doing it. Sorry for all the slightly ignorant server questions from me as of late. I'm sure there will be some more in the future too.

Thank you in advance for any help I can get.

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Based off of one of my larger sites, which uses a 200mbps line, I'm going to say a 100mbps line is way overkill for you. BUT, that also depends on what your clients' sites are, they current usage, how they will grow, etc. It's hard to say without more data about your clients, but especially if they are smaller sites a 100mb line is overkillll.

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This is what mrtg is for.  You should be able to meter the individual usage for each of the vhosts -- they will after all, each require one or more IP addresses, that you will assign, and the Host whether it be Xen or Virtuozzo or whatever, can be setup to keep track of bandwidth usage.  At that point it simply is a matter of deciding how you want to prices bandwidth for your clients.

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