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That looks very very last millennium. I'd say it's safe to optimize for 1024x768 instead of 800x600.

A very common resolution is 1680x1050 and your size can fit in there TWICE. so that's a lot of unused space.


You shouldn't use tables for layout, you could simply use floats to line up the text/images like that. or use some massive padding and set the image as the background image (I'd use the latter technique myself).


http://www.goodwillsusedcars.com/inventory.php seems to make use of wheels.jpg which isn't even on the server?

Also on this page the top row should be <th>'s not <td>'s. And that image used to indicate the sorting order could simply be style="float: right" instead of polluting the source by nesting a table there.


http://www.goodwillsusedcars.com/warranty.html I like how you did that, looks original :) can't really look at the source too good and I'm pretty sure I'd have something to say about it as it's rather complex to do that properly. But I do suggest using a better looking icon, google for "Nuvola icons" they're free (for commercial use to) and it at least a nice looking 'check' icon.


Can't give much morre feedback as having upgraded my firefox to 3.5 beta seems to have messed up most of my addons, oh and before I forget your contact form doesn't use <label>'s.

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A very common resolution is 1680x1050 and your size can fit in there TWICE. so that's a lot of unused space.


That presupposes a maximized browser window. The odds of not running your browser maximized increases with the resolution of the monitor. Monitor resolution != viewport size.

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I personally wouldn't develop a site for the purpose of satisfying the user in the event of a non-maximized browser (granted, nothing wrong with liquid or elastic designs).


In reality, it would be hard to gauge just how many users actually use maximized browsers vs the non-maximized...(not sure how many polls are out there for that sort of thing, let alone how accurate they are); adding to the mix is users with dual monitors and such. I would be more concerned with the minimal width of a fixed width design (I agree with Axeia on the 1024x768 dimensions if going the fixed route). But I also agree with 'Monitor resolution != viewport size.' as well.. it's all dependent on the individual in question I suppose.

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Indeed, and that's why I said "the odds of not running your browser maximized increases with the resolution of the monitor". Just because resolutions tends to grow bigger and bigger it doesn't mean the viewport does as well. At a certain point it becomes infeasible having maximized windows for reading text. See this monitor for instance.

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Agreed. Yeah, I've seen that monitor.. what a freakin' monster that is... and at $8,000... (granted, 43 inch monitors are not the norm, but rather the exception - for now anyway). It will be interesting to see how web designs cope with the ever expanding monitor sizes / resolutions.. I guess greater minimum fixed widths (or going liquid / elastic) with ever increasing font sizes, css padding / margins and whatnot...

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Was just saying that 800x600 is something you're better off avoiding instead of using cause it feels cramped. 1024*768 is the resolution to go by in general. (although I'm personally a liquid design fan, but that does impose some limitations to what you can do.. even more so if you also want to support IE properly which starts acting funky when you get creative with display: table/max and min width/and so on)


Personally I do prefer liquid designs and (once my monitor is repaired) I'll be viewing pages at 1920*1200 again with a maximized window.

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