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block proxy


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Hi I have a rating website like hotornot.com and I have the option where I can make my users login to rate but I also want the guests to rate and when I allow guests to rate there is lots of spammers just using a proxy with different Ip's and they give unfair rating to everyone, is there anyway or any php script that I can get rid of these scammers???

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Not really, but you could try this

$proxyheader = array(
$valid = true;
foreach($proxyheader as $p)
	$valid = false;
die ("Using proxy");


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Why don't you just make the guests' rank weight lower than a regular user.  For instance....a guest's vote is worth 33.3% of a regular vote...meaning it takes 3 different guests to actually make a solid vote.


And you can always ceil() the current rank of the user to keep it from showing as a decimal number.



Edit: Actually I meant floor()

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Before trying to say you want to "block proxies", maybe you should actually understand what a proxy is and for what reasons it can be used. Proxies may be used in a corporate/school environment to keep external access tight. You could setup the firewall to only allow external access through the proxy and use various forms of content filtering and logging.


Besides filtering/logging, another utility caching. Say you run a network with 1000 nodes connected on a daily basis. Instead of each node having their own local cache, you can have a cache on network level by making all the nodes go through that proxy. This means a resource can be downloaded 1 time from the external location, saved and cached somewhere in the LAN and passed on to local clients, thus vastly saving bandwidth because you don't have to download the same things over and over again.


Maybe you shouldn't try to block something you don't understand what is and what can be used for. If you do that you won't understand the consequences of it and you probably end up blocking legitimate traffic.


There are also some ISPs that route all their customers through a proxy.

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