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[SOLVED] Using Yes/No <Input> with a Dynamic Recordset problem?


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I'm running into a slight problem getting a Yes/No <input> to work with a dynamic recordset.


Creating the Yes/No options aren't the problem,  its that each record when I choose either Yes or No impacts the other records on my form in a different record.


For example, on record 1 if I choose Yes or No choosing one deselects the other but if I move to record 2 and do the same then record 1 clears and vice versa.


How do I get this to work since I think I have to name the input type the same name in order to get the Yes/No to originally work?


<input type="radio" name="chk_accept[]" value=1>

<input type="radio" name="chk_accept[]" value=0>



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The recordset is dynamic so a set nnumber ofiterations won't get it...


I had used this routine on a dropdown box that worked great but wasn't sure how to implement for my <input> items?


$theusers = '';
$theusers .= '<select name="adj[]"><option value="Please Select">Please Select</option>';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst_adjusters)) {
$theusers .= '<option value=' . $row['ID'] . '>' . $row['firstname'] . ' ' . $row['lastname'] . '</option>';
$theusers .= '</select>';

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yes, that is corect.


I was trying something like this but can't get it to work.


//<Input type=radio
$theusers = '';
$theusers .= '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept[]"';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst_adjusters)) {
$theusers .= . $i . ;
$theusers .= 'value=1>';


Then on the form: <?php echo $theusers; ?>





<input type="radio" name="chk_accept[]"012345678 value=1>


It's close but I think it needs to be in the form loop. Can I set up a counter in the form?



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are you actually pulling any data from the database with your the sql command.. the $rst_adjusters one? or just counting how many rows??


anyway, the code you had would add $i to the end of the input tag... well fater teh chk_accept thingo however many times the loop exectured.. i.e. '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept[]"123456789101112value=1>... and having $i=0 at the top of the loop, $i will always equal zero, you need it before the loop.

you need to echo the input statement within the loop


$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst_adjusters)) {
     echo '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept{$i}[]" value=1>\n';
     echo '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept{$i}[]" value=0>\n';

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I'm just trying to loop through the number of records in the recordset.


Can I implement a counter in the form, how would I do that?



<?php $counter++><input type="radio" name="chk_accept[]" . <?php $counter> . "value=0>

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$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($rst_adjusters);
for ($i = 0; $i <= $rowCount; $i++) {
     echo '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept{$i}[]" value=1>\n';
     echo '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept{$i}[]" value=0>\n';


will do it, however, you're better off changing your mysql query, so the MySQL db counts... change it to something like

$rst_adjusters=@mysql_query("SELECT count(*) FROM tableName WHERE x = y");

and then have


$rowCount = mysql_fetch_row($total);
$rowCount = $rowCount[0];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $rowCount; $i++) {
     echo '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept{$i}[]" value=1>\n';
     echo '<input type="radio" name="chk_accept{$i}[]" value=0>\n';



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thanks joel24.


I think I may have found the solution and it appears easier than I thought...


<input type="radio" name="chk_accept<?php echo $i++; ?>[]" value=1>


Do you see a reason why this wouldn't work?  :-\



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$i++ means that the variable $i will increment by one each time the loop or script reaches it...


the line

<input type="radio" name="chk_accept<?php echo $i++; ?>[]" value=1>

alone would just echo the value of $i + 1 once.


i.e. say $i is equal to 1

it would only echo the following line.

<input type="radio" name="chk_accept2[]" value=1>


you need a loop to echo it multiple times... like the for loop or while loop i showed u

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Correct Joel.


In the form there is a loop, the Dynamic table was created by Dreamweaver CS4. Now that I see how this is working I needed to create the variables as you said and add my object, it works as needed.


<?php do { ?>


<?php } while ($row_rstassign = mysql_fetch_assoc($rstassign)); ?>


Thanks for your help - you got me there.


Yes/No values are surely better achieved with a checkbox for each record instead?


I agree and will be changing them.

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If you're grouping 2 radio inputs together with a value of 'Yes' for one and 'No' for the other, well then that could be done with just one checkbox? Then you can check / uncheck other with Javascript. Hmm perhaps I didn't have a clear picture of what you were trying to do?


Oh and if you're question gets solved just mark it as solved..

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