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[SOLVED] User System?


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I have searched google for days for a user system tutorial but all i get are advanced scripts with lost password, sign up, members page, and profile page features. All im looking for is something that will let me login with mysql, I can make all the other features.

If anyone knows of a tutorial that will help me or can write one up that would be great!


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If anyone knows of a tutorial that will help me or can write one up that would be great!


Hate to burst your bubble princess, but I don't think anyone is going to write a tutorial just for you.  I'm sure you can find basic tutorials on how to create a login script.  This is a very common request.  I would recommend doing a search on phpfreaks for some similar threads as well.


I have searched google for days for a user system tutorial but all i get are advanced scripts with lost password, sign up, members page, and profile page features.


Just ignore the extra features you don't want.

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well i have found a basic one i want to use but i dont know how to pull the info of the logged in user.

i have tried:


but that does not wanna work.

I run into this problem a lot with the other script i have found too.

the link to the tut is: http://dev.thatspoppycock.com/index.php/Creating_a_Simple_PHP_and_MySQL-Based_Login_System

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ok, got it working!

I hate to be such a pain but any idea why this:

include "db_connect.php"; //mysql db connection here

print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' type='text/css'>";

print "<table class='maintable'>";

print "<tr class='headline'><td>From</td><td>Author</td><td>Message</td></tr>";

$getmail="SELECT * from PM where to='$_SESSION['username']'";

$getmail2=mysql_query($getmail) or die("Could not get mail");



  print "<tr class='mainrow'><td>$getmail3[from]</a></td><td>$getmail3[msg]</a></td></tr>";


print "</table>";



does not work?


it has something to do with the:

$getmail="SELECT * from PM where to='$_SESSION['username']'";

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Change that to:


$getmail="SELECT * from PM where to='{$_SESSION['username']}'";


It thought that the single quote in the query was ending the comparative value, when adding curly brackets it escapes the quotes and allows for variables such as arrays.

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OK, 'to' is a reserved word - Reserved Words.  The way around this is to use back ticks which will escape the reserved word and give the meaning literally.


This should work:


$getmail="SELECT * from PM where `to`='{$_SESSION['username']}'";

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