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I had help adding a paypal function to a php script I'm using. This help included adding a php page to the original script. This page, when displayed, doesn't show the header and footer like most of the pages do. When I asked how to make the header and footer appear on the new page I was told "you'll have to add the html in to the appropriate places". So, I'm hoping someomnje can help me with the code needed. I'm posting the new paypal page and also a original page that shows the header and footer. Can you direct me to the correct code from orginal page that I can add to the new page so the header and footer will show on the new page, please? Thanks


New Page:

include_once ('classes/config.php');
// Get User Details
$amount = $_POST['valu'];
$credits = $_POST['cre'];
$user_id = $_POST['uid'];

// Include the paypal library
include_once ('Paypal.php');

// Create an instance of the paypal library
$myPaypal = new Paypal();

// Specify your paypal email
$myPaypal->addField('business', 'admin@mywebsite.com');

// Specify the currency
$myPaypal->addField('currency_code', 'USD');

// Specify the url where paypal will send the user on success/failure
$myPaypal->addField('return', 'http://mywebsite.com/payment/paypal_success.php');
$myPaypal->addField('cancel_return', 'http://mywebsite.com/payment/paypal_failure.php');

// Specify the url where paypal will send the IPN
$myPaypal->addField('notify_url', 'http://mywebsite.com/payment/paypal_ipn.php');

// Specify the product information
$myPaypal->addField('item_name', 'Account Credits');
$myPaypal->addField('amount', $amount);
$myPaypal->addField('item_number', $credits);

// Specify any custom value
$myPaypal->addField('custom', $user_id);

// Enable test mode if needed




Original Page:


include_once ('classes/config.php');
include_once ('classes/sessions.php');

$default_album_pic = $config['default_album_pic'];

// changed search server method to get to get rid of cache expired error

if( ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET') ) dieNice();

$_SESSION['searched'] = $_GET['keyword'];
$prch = $_GET['p'];

if ($user_id == "") {

$new_temp = "themes/$user_theme/templates/search_results_guest.htm";

}elseif ($prch == "1") {

$new_temp = "themes/$user_theme/templates/search_results_paid.htm";


$new_temp = "themes/$user_theme/templates/search_results.htm";


$queryString = strtolower($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
if (strstr($queryString,'%20union%20') OR strstr($queryString,'/*')) dieNice();

$referer	= mysql_real_escape_string( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
if ( $referer == '' ) dieNice();
if ( !ereg ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $referer) ) $flag_stop++;
if ( !ereg ($base_url, $referer) ) $flag_stop++;
if ( $flag_stop == 2 ) dieNice();

$keywords	= $_GET['keyword'];
$keywords	= str_replace('&#039;s', "", $keywords);
//$keywords2 = $_GET['keyword'];
$debug_log_file = 'logs/search_log.txt';

if (@file_exists($debug_log_file)) {
$fo = @fopen($debug_log_file, 'a');
     	@fwrite($fo, $keyword);

} else {
     	$fo = @fopen($debug_log_file, 'w');
     	@fwrite($fo, $keyword);

$keyword 	= mysql_real_escape_string($keywords);
$type 	= mysql_real_escape_string( $_GET['type'] );

if ($type == '') {
$keyword	= mysql_real_escape_string($keywords);
    	$type		= mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['type']);

if ($keyword == '' | $type == '' ) {
$type		= 'videos';
$keyword 	= 'none';

$get_type		= $type;

switch ( $get_type ) {

case 'videos';
	$type_videos	= 1;
	$row_id		= 'video_id';
	$media_comments	= 'videocomments';
	$type_query_rows 	= 'indexer, video_id, title, title_seo, date_uploaded, user_id, video_length, approved, public_private, description, tags, number_of_views';


$query_get_type	= $get_type;

if ( $query_get_type == 'groups' ) {

$query_get_type = 'group_profile';

$page_guery		= "SELECT indexer FROM $query_get_type WHERE (group_name like '%$keyword%' or group_description like '%$keyword%')";
$search_query	= "SELECT $type_query_rows FROM $query_get_type WHERE (group_name like '%$keyword%' or group_description like '%$keyword%') LIMIT "; // $set_limit, $limit";

} else {
$tag_cloud 		= make_tag_cloud( $get_type );
$tag_cloud_block 	= $tag_cloud[1];

$page_guery		= "SELECT indexer FROM $query_get_type WHERE approved = 'yes' AND public_private = 'public' and (title like '%$keyword%' or tags like '%$keyword%' or description like '%$keyword%')";
$search_query	= "SELECT $type_query_rows FROM $query_get_type WHERE approved = 'yes' AND public_private = 'public' and (title like '%$keyword%' or tags like '%$keyword%' or description like '%$keyword%') LIMIT "; // $set_limit, $limit";

if ( $query_get_type == 'group_profile' ) {

    	$limit		= (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $config['search_page_limits'] );
    	$pagination 	= pagination($page_guery, $limit);
    	$set_limit		= $pagination[0]['set_limit'];
    	$total_pages	= $pagination[0]['total_pages'];
    	$current_page 	= $pagination[0]['current_page'];
    	$total_records 	= $pagination[0]['total_records'];
    	$next_page 		= $pagination[0]['next_page'];
    	$prev_page 		= $pagination[0]['prev_page'];
    	$nl 			= $pagination[0]['nl'];
    	$pl 			= $pagination[0]['pl'];

    	$results_of 	= $current_page * $limit;
    	$results_show 	= $set_limit + 1;

    	if ( $results_of > $total_records )	$results_of = $total_records;
    	if ( $set_limit == 0 ) 			$results_show = 1;
    	if ( $total_records == 0 ) 		$results_show = 0;

	//define($get_type, true);

	// TODO //
	add group rating to search display
	re-write the 3 queries below using 1 JOIN query
	// END //

$sql			= $search_query . $set_limit .','. $limit;
$query 		= @mysql_query($sql);

while ($result = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

    		$group_id			= $result['indexer'];
    		$sql2 			= "SELECT indexer, video_id FROM group_videos WHERE group_id = $group_id AND video_status = 'active'";
        	$query2 			= @mysql_query($sql2);
        	$count_group_videos 	= @mysql_num_rows($query2);

        	//get group video thumbnail
        	if ($count_group_videos == 0) {

            	$video_picture	= 'default_no_group_video';
            	$group_video_id 	= 0;

        	} else {

        		$result2 			= @mysql_fetch_array($query2);
            	$group_video_id 		= mysql_real_escape_string($result2['video_id']);
            	$sql0 			= "SELECT indexer, video_id FROM videos WHERE indexer = $group_video_id";
            	$query0			= @mysql_query($sql0);
            	$result0 			= @mysql_fetch_array($query0);
            	$group_video_image	= $result0['video_id'];
            	$video_picture 		= $result0['video_id'];
            	$group_video_id 		= $result0['indexer'];

        	$video_array = array('video_picture'	=> $video_picture,
        				   'group_video_id' 	=> $group_video_id);

        	$sql3				= "SELECT indexer FROM group_membership WHERE group_id = $group_id";
        	$query3			= @mysql_query($sql3);
        	$count_group_members 	= @mysql_num_rows($query3);

        	$sql4 			= "SELECT member_username, member_id FROM group_membership WHERE group_id = $group_id AND group_admin = 'yes'";
        	$query4 			= @mysql_query($sql4);
        	$result4 			= @mysql_fetch_array($query4);
        	$admin_username		= $result4['member_username'];

        	$group_other_info 	= array('group_videos' 		=> $count_group_videos,
        					  	  'group_members' 	=> $count_group_members,
        					  	  'admin_username'	=> $admin_username);

        	//merge arrays
        	$group_array	= @array_merge($result, $group_other_info, $video_array);
        	$mygroups[] 	= $group_array;

if ( $type == 'videos' || $type == 'audios' || $type == 'images' || $type == 'blogs'  ) {

$limit		= (int) mysql_real_escape_string( $config['search_page_limits'] );
    	$pagination 	= pagination($page_guery, $limit);
    	$set_limit		= $pagination[0]['set_limit'];
    	$total_pages	= $pagination[0]['total_pages'];
    	$current_page 	= $pagination[0]['current_page'];
    	$total_records 	= $pagination[0]['total_records'];
    	$next_page 		= $pagination[0]['next_page'];
    	$prev_page 		= $pagination[0]['prev_page'];
    	$nl 			= $pagination[0]['nl'];
    	$pl 			= $pagination[0]['pl'];

    	$result_search 	= array();
    	$sql			= $search_query . $set_limit .','. $limit;
    	$query 		= @mysql_query($sql);

    	$results_of 	= $current_page * $limit;
    	$results_show 	= $set_limit + 1;

    	if ( $results_of > $total_records )	$results_of = $total_records;
    	if ( $set_limit == 0 ) 			$results_show = 1;
    	if ( $total_records == 0 ) 		$results_show = 0;

	define($get_type, true);

    	while ($result1 = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

    		$media_id		= mysql_real_escape_string($result1['indexer']);
    		$sql2 		= "SELECT indexer FROM $media_comments WHERE $row_id = $media_id";
       	$query2 		= @mysql_query($sql2);
        	$comments_number	= @mysql_num_rows($query2);
        	$comments_array 	= array('comments' => $comments_number);

        	$id			= $media_id;

        	if ( $get_type == 'videos' ) {

        		$stars_array = stars_array($media_id);
        	} else {

        		include ('stars_include.php');
        		$stars_array	= array('star1' => $star1,'star2' => $star2,'star3' => $star3, 'star4' => $star4,'star5' => $star5);

        	// we need dynamic media image query
        	$result_image	= $get_type;

        	switch ( $result_image ) {

        		case 'audios';
        			$pic_sql		= "SELECT album_picture FROM audio_albums WHERE album_id = '$media_id' LIMIT 1";
			$album_pic_result = @mysql_query($pic_sql);
			$row			= mysql_fetch_array( $album_pic_result );
			$album_pic_result = $row['album_picture'];
			if ( $album_pic_result != "" ) {
				$album_pic = 'addons/audio/images/album_images/' . $album_pic_result;
			} else {
				$album_pic = 'addons/audio/images/' . $default_album_pic;
			$result_image_array	= array('media_image' => $album_pic);

		case 'images';
        			$full_view		= $result1['image_id'];
        			$full_url		= $config['site_base_url'] . '/addons/albums/images/'.$full_view;
			$result_image_array	= array('media_image' => $full_url);

		case 'blogs';

			$blog_owner	= $result1['user_id'];
			$a1_sql	= "SELECT file_name, approved FROM pictures WHERE user_id = $blog_owner";
			$a1_result	= @mysql_query($a1_sql);

			if (@mysql_num_rows($a1_result) != 0) {
				$a1_result = @mysql_fetch_array($a1_result);
				$a1_existing_file = $a1_result['file_name'];
				$a1_approved = $a1_result['approved'];

				if ($a1_approved == "yes") {
					$poster_picture = $config['site_base_url'] . '/pictures/' . $a1_existing_file;
				} else {
					$poster_picture = $config['site_base_url'] . "/themes/$user_theme/images/placeholder.gif";
			} else {
				$poster_picture = $config['site_base_url'] . "/themes/$user_theme/images/placeholder.gif";

			$result_image_array	= array('media_image' => $poster_picture);

	} // end switch media images

	//merge arrays

     		if ( sizeof($result_image_array) > 0 )
     			$result2	= @array_merge($result1, $comments_array, $stars_array, $result_image_array);
        		$result2	= @array_merge($result1, $comments_array, $stars_array);

        	$result_search[] 	= $result2;


$video_price = videoPrice();
$total_price = $video_price * $total_records;

$member_credits = get_member_credits($user_id);

$url = 'search.php';
$additional_url_variable = "?keyword=$keyword&type=$type&page=";

// checking for any error codes
$codes = $_GET['code'];
$error_code = errorcodes($codes);

if (!empty($error_code)) {
$blk_notification = $error_code['error_display'];
     	$message_type = $error_code['error_type'];
     	$error_message =$error_code['error_message'];

// create dynamic template words
$url_link		= $get_type;

if ( $url_link == 'images' ) $url_link = 'albums';
if ( $query_get_type == 'group_profile' ) {
if ( $results_show == 0 ) $type_groups = '0'; else $type_groups = 4;

$get_type 		= ucwords($get_type);
$get_type_word	= substr($get_type, 0, -1);
$page_title		= $config['site_name'] . ' ' . $get_type_word . ' ' . $lang_search . ' ' . $lang_results . ' ' . $lang_for . ' ' . $keyword;
$template		= "themes/$user_theme/templates/main_1.htm";
$inner_template1 	= $new_temp;
$TBS			= new clsTinyButStrong;
$TBS->NoErr 	= true;


if ( $query_get_type == 'group_profile' ) $TBS->MergeBlock('blkfeatured', $mygroups); else $TBS->MergeBlock('blkfeatured', $result_search);
$TBS->MergeBlock('blkfeatured2', $result_search);
$TBS->Render = TBS_OUTPUT;

function dieNice() {
header("Location: index.php");


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