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[SOLVED] Errors on host but not on localhost


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I have linux and installed apache/MSQL/ and PHP5. I downloaded my script that got a lot of errors on my shared host with PHP5. For some reason my localhost which runs PHP5 doesn't display the same errors. It does display errors but doesn't sinch up with the ones on my shared hosting. What could be the issues here?

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Cannot really help you without seeing the errors and the code that corresponds to the errors.


Without any specific information from you, it could be 1013 different possible things.


Your post is like asking a blind man to drive down the highway and to be able to tell you what color the car was that he just crashed into.

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Cannot really help you without seeing the errors and the code that corresponds to the errors.


Without any specific information from you, it could be 1013 different possible things.


Your post is like asking a blind man to drive down the highway and to be able to tell you what color the car was that he just crashed into.


it was blue no red no blue!


and do your php.ini files match sounds like you may have some fetured turned off on your shared host

make a page with phpinfo(); called on it run it on both servers and see how it differs

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Cannot really help you without seeing the errors and the code that corresponds to the errors.


Without any specific information from you, it could be 1013 different possible things.


Your post is like asking a blind man to drive down the highway and to be able to tell you what color the car was that he just crashed into.


it was blue no red no blue!


and do your php.ini files match sounds like you may have some fetured turned off on your shared host

make a page with phpinfo(); called on it run it on both servers and see how it differs


yeah double check that your host supports everything the localhost does. Otherwise could you have a snippet of code that only runs on the localhost.

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