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1. Well Thx..

2. Hacking means.. breaking into a system without the permission of the owner.. gets any information in it... or destroys it..(black hat way). breaking into a system with the permission of the owner... and tells every little vulnerability in the site(white hat way). breaking into a system w/o the permission of the owner... either destroys it.. or tell it to the owner...(Grey Hat way)

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1. Any More Suggestions for the plugins sir??

2. Ok, I didn't get that on the net... my understanding much >< ... Um, I started hacking when i was 13... Now Im 14... I'll trying to make my own R@T.. That would be a great success towards my career.. It very clear your a hacker mate... seeing that your avatar is so very familiar...


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Sounds more like "I found some program on the internet that allowed me to do some cool shit without having any real skill. I like doing stuff like that because it gives me an ego trip so I can play tough buy behind the keyboard."


I've taken a look at your posts here, and there is no way you would possibly qualify for the hacker title. You're nothing more than a script kiddie, and calling yourself a hacker (again, do not confuse hackers with crackers, who are also low-life scum) is an insult to people with real skill.


Stop making a fool out of yourself.

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Sir, Im not making a fool of myself.. If i were i script skiddie.. I'd still use other peoples work... and post doesn't count here.. Im just taking a major study on PHP for something...


If you want proof..

register at my forums and you'll realize something...

mostly Viral Dragon is the one i was inspired almost anything...


He just started to be a script skiddie.. well hell yea everyone started as a skiddie.. and take a look at his work... and you'll realize something more...


Well who gives a damn or a fuck about me... just give a little repect

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and post doesn't count here..


I can easily judge your programming skills by your posts here.


mostly Viral Dragon is the one i was inspired almost anything...


He just started to be a script skiddie.. well hell yea everyone started as a skiddie.. and take a look at his work... and you'll realize something more...


Oh really? I've never heard of him. What kind of major accomplishments has he made?


If you want proof..

register at my forums and you'll realize something...


Why would I? I see nothing off interest there.


just give a little repect


You lost it yourself... You don't proclaim yourself a hacker. You get that title by being recognized by other hackers. Real hackers like Eric Raymond or Linus Torvalds for instance.

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The real problem here is you don't even know what a hacker is, and if you did you wouldn't proclaim to be one.


Real hackers don't give themselves such childish names as Viral Dragon, they actually prove there worth by hacking notable projects.


You sir seem to have jumped the gun, and also gotten yourself a little lost in Hollywood hype.


My advise to you would be to dissociate yourself with the crowd you are with and start again.

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Picking on a 14 year old because he called himself a hacker.  Why don't we actually try to help him with his question instead of beating him up because he likes computers and wants to be a "hacker".


Ok. Sorry buddy sometimes people are rough on these forums and you have to learn to ignore it. They wouldn't talk like that to you if you were face to face.


People sometimes forget common courtesy in the inherently anonymous world of the internet.



So you want to make a CMS?


Well the best thing you can do is plan it out really well before you write any code.

Plan out how you want the interface to be and what features you want.

I would say since you sound like you're just starting out, make it simple.

Simple is easier and cleaner and you'll make progress faster.


You might want to think about how you can add in templates, or if you're going to allow more than one user how you could do permissions maybe.


Another thing is how can you code the navigation and how that will work if you're going to do templates.


Also, is it going to be a blog type cms like wordpress or something else?


I hope you already know how to code with php and do basic things like connecting to a database.


If not you'll want to learn that. A good place to start for any web-related tutorials is w3schools.com, just look for the php section. Some of it's outdated, but it's really good for a beginner. If you want to get a basic apache mysql php server program on your computer for testing without having to buy hosting, you'll want to get something like xammp. Google it.


I hope this helps a little. Don't let people push you around and if they seem like jerks, they probably either had a bad day or they are jerks.


I think it's really cool that a 14 year old is already learning to program. Keep it up and you'll have a very nice career some day and you'll be way ahead of your peers in college.

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Picking on a 14 year old because he called himself a hacker.


I can guarantee you that he would have been picked on the same way even if he was 50 years old. I don't see why he should have special treatment just because he is 14 years old. He wasn't picked on due to his age, but do to the things he said.

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Yeah buddy, I bet you're the kind of guy who hands your kid a gun and tells him to go nuts, or see him pick up a gun and give a big thumbs up while he's running around shooting everything in site, and then wonder why the cops come and arrest you.


Bottom line is he's wanting to gain skills to do shady shit that gives other people bad names.  I have 4 kids.  Even my youngest (2 years old) knows when she's doing something wrong.  So take your "stop picking on the kid, you should be encouraging him" crap somewhere else. 

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Whatever you guys were using the f word on him and stuff.


All I'm saying is you don't have to psycho on him.


I forgot why I stopped coming to these forums. Oh yeah. All the shitty Moderators and Administrators who go beat up children because of comments that don't even matter really.


You guys make me sick. I mean look at yourselves really. Take a minute and look at what you're saying.


It's ok for me to beat up on children who can't even drive yet because of something they said.


What's wrong with you?


You guys are incredible.


He just asked a question about how to code a cms and now the entire thread has turned into:

You have no right to call yourself a hacker!


And I'm just like lay off him a bit and you guys are like you let your children run around with guns.


Of all the incomprehensible bull shit I've ever heard.


You idiots are so egocentric that you have to pick on children and make yourself look amazing.


You probably have no life outside these forums really.


I don't see how you could make any friends with the attitudes you have. People probably run when they see you.


This is the most negative forum I've seen in a long time. Now I know truly why more people don't come here.


I'm switching to http://forums.devnetwork.net/ and i suggest the little dude who was getting picked on to leave to and go somewhere where people offer constructive comments instead of destructive negative comments.

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The (alleged) "picking on" doesn't really have anything to do with the post.  It has to do with what he had in his sig and his website.


And I don't really see what driving has to do with this. 


Do you even have kids?  There is a big difference between a 5 year old and a 14 year old. 

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You're missing the point. He is the one bringing insult by using the "term" hacker in that way, and by claiming to be one apparently without even knowing what it means. This is a programming community, and there are different "rules" and norms associated with a such one. Hacking has nothing to do with breaking into stuff. Given the context he has chosen to act in, it's quite ludicrous that you say we are insulting him.


See this (and the rest of the document). A few quotes for the lazy readers:

There is another group of people who loudly call themselves hackers, but aren't. These are people (mainly adolescent males) who get a kick out of breaking into computers and phreaking the phone system. Real hackers call these people ‘crackers’ and want nothing to do with them. Real hackers mostly think crackers are lazy, irresponsible, and not very bright, and object that being able to break security doesn't make you a hacker any more than being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive engineer. Unfortunately, many journalists and writers have been fooled into using the word ‘hacker’ to describe crackers; this irritates real hackers no end.

Concealing your identity behind a handle is a juvenile and silly behavior characteristic of crackers, warez d00dz, and other lower life forms.
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A link to his website where he claims to be a big shot "hacker" (read: cracker/script kiddie). I removed the link. thorpe is no longer an admin, but I'd wager he would have removed it himself had he been.


It might well have looked weird after the signature was removed. I don't have, and never will have, respect for egotripping script kiddies who find joy in others' suffering though. Few people do, and that is why he was met with a harsh response.

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