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[SOLVED] Turning Photoshop Web Designs into Web Sites: Any Good Tutorials?

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I have recently started designing Web sites and Web site features (e.g., search boxes, Web menus, Web forms, etc.) using Photoshop. Despite having an okay grasp of HTML, CSS and PHP, I sometimes have difficulties in coding the Photoshop designs. I don't use the codes provided by Photoshop; I slice the images and code everything from scratch.


Do you guys know of any tutorials which discuss this kind of procedure? The ones that I have already found are not that great.

Instead of being somewhat offended, perhaps you should take a step back and work out why you were responded to in such manner in the first place.  You did not mention in your OP what keywords you tried or what you found that wasn't great, so your OP pretty much came off as "hi, I need blahblah but I'm too lazy to search for something myself."


So in your next post you mentioned that "oh hey, those are the right keywords! I had been trying with blahblah" well if you had mentioned that in your OP, you probably would not have gotten the response that you did. 

I didn't say that I was offended. I said that the site, lmgtfy.com, is condescending. Read back my response.


I've noticed that you like to argue with people. I've also noticed that you are very rude. Don't think that being a moderator gives you a license to offend people.

I didn't say that I was offended. I said that the site, lmgtfy.com, is condescending. Read back my response.


I've noticed that you like to argue with people. I've also noticed that you are very rude. Don't think that being a moderator gives you a license to offend people.


Yes, I read your response just fine.  You say that lmgtfy.com is somewhat condescending.  Well that's a negative word.  Therefore you must feel some kind of offense.  Otherwise, you wouldn't consider it condescending.  That's like my wife saying "I'm not mad.  I'm upset," when I say "why are you so mad?"  That's playing word games.  If you want to do that then fine.  You were <insert negative word of your choice here>.  You can't logically not insert something there and at the same time feel something is condescending.  Doing so would turn the laws of the universe upside down, open up a blackhole and suck everything out of existence.


My goal here was not to offend you or be rude.  My goal was to point out that if you had been more specific in your OP, you wouldn't have gotten a response that you felt was condescending.  I didn't say you were being too lazy to search for things, but that you come off as such when you don't post details of what you did do.  My post was advice to you about making better posts and receiving better responses in general. 


TBH I really don't like arguing all that much. It's just that people like being wrong, or just plain stupid. Or stupidly assume things.  If someone gets offended by me pointing that stuff out, then obviously the issue is that they cannot handle criticism.  Even if I were to concede I was just plain flat out being a dick about something, that doesn't mean I'm pointing out something false.  It just means that (in your opinion), I suck at delivering the message.  Which is worse, the guy who sucks at delivering the message, or the guy who refuses to acknowledge a problem just because it wasn't pointed out in "the right way"?

I think we need to recap what's happened here.


I asked an honest, newbie question. jcombs_31 gave a condescending response. I admit, I was offended. So as not to offend, I insinuated to jcombs_31 that those types of responses are offensive. In particular, I said that the site, lmgtfy.com, was condescending, not he himself. I then thanked him and marked the thread solved.


That should have been the end of it. But you felt compelled to reopen a closed thread with an attack. It's as if you couldn't help yourself.


Apparently, jcombs_31's condescending response was perfectly justifiable, and I was wrong to be offended. Instead of condemning the behaviour - as a moderator should - you defended it. You then proceeded to point out the deficiencies of my post, before telling me that I seem to be too lazy to search for something myself.


That was more offensive than jcombs_31's response, and it came from no less than a moderator.


In your second contribution, you tried to justify your initial response. Apparently, you were not trying to offend; you were only trying to help. Well, if that's true - and we both know that it's not - you have to admit that you didn't do a very good job.


I've come across threads you've started which are nothing but extensive rants. Only someone who enjoys an argument would dedicate such effort to ripping something apart.


In other threads, everything has been great and light-hearted - until you have chipped in. Just the other day, you were bullying Pugjr, and it seemed to come out of nowhere.


I think you have a problem. You are not a happy person, and it spills over in your responses, causing offense. Maybe you should think a little more before you respond to people.


jcombs_31's response was offensive. Yours was more offensive. I've come across conceited programmers who like to bully newbies before (hence my signature). What you guys don't seem to understand is that, just because you can code or program better than someone else, it doesn't mean that you have the right to be rude. The newbie just might not be a total idiot.


I, for one, certainly am not a fool. I can make most people look stupid. But I don't - not even if they are rude to me, as is evidenced by my response to both jcombs_31 and you.

really? Man, I just don't know...


I, for one, certainly am not a fool. I can make most people look stupid. But I don't - not even if they are rude to me, as is evidenced by my response to both jcombs_31 and you.


doesn't that sort of conflict with


I mopped the floor with you in my last post


I'm just not feelin' it.  I don't think those 2 statements can be friends.  They just can't seem to get along.  Can't share the same mouth.  So one of them has to come out of some other hole.  Like...your ass?  Yeah, I definitely think you're talking out your ass.  Not one of those sly stealth farts that come up and assassinate people out of nowhere.  That would have been cool.  I can respect the sbvd (silent but very deadlies).  Failing that, you could have at least been loud and obnoxious.  Kind that shake the room, and you know you just ripped a hole in your undies.  Nope. not even that.  You're one of those saucy creamy sounding farts.  Everybody hears it, but it's not really all that impressive.  Kind of funny but in a sad way, because everybody knows from the moment it comes out, you're destined to have to go to the little boy's room and change.  I bet you're glad your mom always insists on packing a spare set in your backpack! Even IF it has caused more than your fair share of black eyes and taunts.  That'll show them! Who's laughing now! I have a FRESH set of undies!  Good for you bud, good for you! 


Hey since you're already mopping, make sure you get over by your desk.  I think I see some leakage that got away.



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