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[SOLVED] PHP execution


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Im not sure if this is the right forum, or even the right website but i have a problem.


Lets say I have a file, doesnt even need to have any PHP functions in the document, could be just pure CSS / images.  If i have a copy of this file named something.html and a copy names something.php, the php one takes about 5 times longer to load than the html page.  You can see 90% of the page loads and then it sticks with the loading bar nearly fininshed, waits a while and  then pings to finished and the remaining parts of the site load (usually footer links etc).


This has me stumped, even has my hosts stumped.  Would any one have any idea why this may happen?

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You would need to post the code with the problem, but I would guess that php's  output buffering is turned on the the php.ini and the content exceeds the size of the buffer and the delay is occurring when the buffer is being flushed which probably also includes the time needed to perform any compression/decompression (server/browser) on the content.

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Here is the full code of one page giving me the issue.  This is small scale, on fully db driven MySQL sites the problem is magnified.  This has no javascript, no inlcudes, just straight html and CSS.  The .html version comes up instantly, the .php version takes about 4 seconds to finish loading (bits appear right away but then it hangs and the rest appears).


I've also check the line:


memory_limit = 128M


Which i would have thought would be enough? We've checked the php process whilst testing and its not even twitching.  This is one of a few dedicated servers I have so i'm free to make pretty much any adjustments I think i need to.


Here's the code:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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I've put this on our Linux machine and its fine, ive also put this on our development server which is about 1/4 as powerful as the live ones (and a VPS, not true dedicated) and its fine.


We even just got a new server and the very first site i put on that server had the issue so it cant be anything to do with capacity.

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Removing the iframe didnt make any difference, ive had this problem with other sites I have since checked that dont anything but CSS, Divs and images.


The buffer setting was: output_buffering 4096(local) 4096(master)

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Thanks for both your replies.


I found the line, changed it but it didnt make a difference, I also re-started IIS to double check. Would it help if you could see the results of the phpinfo page?


The buffer line doesnt state Off, it states No Value - which I assume is okay?

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Try just setting it to ON. There is a user contributed note on a related page in the manual where someone had a problem under IIS and found that turning it on solved his problem. The default 4096 value it was set to on your server was probably too small for the amount of content and the buffer needed to be flushed multiple times (the page you posted was 14KB of raw characters.) The web server is also buffering/flushing, so there could have been a case where the web server was still waiting for more content and had to time out before actually sending the content.

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No joy :( 


I can see that the line in phpinfo has changed to 1 now, but all is the same on the loading front.


Someone else suggested on another forum that it could be something to do with the location of the php directory, if there is lag accessing that directory bu the stopping and starting kinda seems like a buffering process.

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Thanks again, but still nothing.


One thing i noticed by accident was this:


Server API CGI/FastCGI


We didnt do the installation of PHP on this server but we did do it on the development one which runs everything fine, and i seem to recall that ISAPI was the best installtion to go for.  Could this be making a difference?

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