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Migrating from Joovili to vbulletin, problem transferring the pics :(


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Im trying to migrate my busy social networking site from joovili to vbulletin / vbadvanced and I think I can probably just about manage to transfer the user date and the forum data but im stuck on how to transfer the pictures over.


Here is the database structure for Joovili site :


picture_id  picture_username  picture_type  picture_path  picture_label  picture_status  adult_status  reason  gallery  

1 KellyIOW 1 pictures/193242254_nightclub_girls.jpg   1 0   ungrouped 

2 SandownSarah 1 pictures/377261578_evento-173209084.jpg   1 0   ungrouped 
3 Phil28 1 pictures/424606021_bloke.jpg   1 0   ungrouped 


and heres the structure for the vbulletin site :


pictureid  userid  caption  extension  filedata  filesize  width  height  thumbnail  thumbnail_filesize  thumbnail_width  thumbnail_height  thumbnail_dateline  idhash  reportthreadid  state 

1 1 BeckyObst jpg [bLOB - 2.4 KB] 2458 70 70 [bLOB - 2.4 KB] 2458 70 70 1246992563 951091872435d4ccf4ed4036ecd082e3 0 visible 

2 1 bum jpg [bLOB - 49.4 KB] 50610 500 329 [bLOB - 5.0 KB] 5093 150 99 1246992563 c14b254f6028d7bbfe1454a9e53faafd 0 visible 

3 1 design jpg [bLOB - 36.4 KB] 37250 397 600 [bLOB - 4.5 KB] 4580 99 150 1246992563 5f9938a079736984f4ab92af2c0a9f7c 0 visible 


Can anyone help ? Im willing to pay for this :)


Many thanks,






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Firstly, this isn't the board to hire programmers to fix your problems, there is a freelance board for such things.


Secondly, you've made absolutely no mention of what your problem actually is (besides being stuck).

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Sorry I thought this was a mysql help forum. My problem is im trying to change the software my social network runs on, so I would need to transfer all the data from the old site to the new site. I can manage transferring the user data and the forum data over no probs but I dont know how to transfer the pictures over as in the old site they are simply stored in a folder with a database table saying which pic belongs to which member etc.  On the new site (vbulletin) the pics are stored in the database itself so Im unsure how i could transfer all the members pics over to the new site.


Hope that makes sense.



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Sorry I thought this was a mysql help forum.


It is.


However, now that you've actually explained your problem I would suggest that your issue might be better resolved by php. In fact, it can't be resolved by mysql alone.


You will need to execute a select query on your old database then loop through all results and insert them into your new database. The trick is, you will need to read each image (found within your select at the given filesystem path) into a binary string and then insert that string into the corresponding filed within your new db.


Good luck.

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