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Loading http://www.bla.com... AJAX that call https://secure.bla.com... Possible?


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Hey guys,


I want to know if it is possible to call, with AJAX function, a link that doesn't have the same domain name...


Here is the pattern:


the page http://www.bla.com is loaded ,


there is an onclick button that call a Javascript function ,


in that function, there is some AJAX. The AJAX call a script on a different domain which is that one : https://secure.bla.com


Is this possible?


Currently not working, and was wondering if it was only possible and if yes, how?

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The XMLHttpRequest object is coded to not allow requests to a different domain for security reasons.  There are ways around it though.  The easiest way around it is to just use a framework like jQuery for your AJAX stuff.

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basicly that second example is jsonp (json with padding). I do think you need access to the server for the script that gives the json response since it's a bit different.


The following example I found using google http://a.webvm.net/ you can even see the php source which makes the jsonp possible.


If you don't have access to the server you want to use that will output a response, then you're better off using cURL or just any serverside script that can read remote data. With a script like that you could make a remote ajax call a local ajax call.

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