idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 Hi there.I have a simple form on a web page one input box is called search_areathe value is passed to a php script and is related to this statementif(!empty($_GET[search_area])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_area]' ";}So what ever is typed into search_area will be searched in the database for a result. I think.The problem i have is i would also like it to search or another result which is below.if(!empty($_GET[search_area])){ $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_area]' ";}I can use them both independently but not at the same time as one cancels out the other.Basically if some one types in a word that matches either city or state i would like the results to be both not one or the other.ThanksColin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndyB Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_area]' OR cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_area]'"; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 You would need to use a string $query instead of an array and conctinate both queries together. eg;[code=php:0]if(!empty($_GET[search_area])){ $tmp = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_area]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_area])){ $tmp .= " AND = '$_GET[search_area]' ";}$query[] = $tmp;[/code]Without seeing how the rest of your query is put together its hard to give a better example, but that shoudl give you the idea. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 Wow fast replies. Thank youI tried the one from AndyBAnd if i search for city it works great. If i search for State I get the same property result all the way down the page right search box labeled (Town)strings i am using are. city = norwich and state = costessy.Thanks guys for your help Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 Thanks ThorpeIv tried the code you have written and it does not produce any errors but it does not for some reason produce any resuts.Can i provide any more information ?Thanks AgainColin :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 Hi again.Would it help if I posted all the code that handles the search ?Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 Any one else got any ideas ?Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ignace Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 I am confused.., why do you twice check if the variable is not empty?[code]if (!empty(..if (!empty(..// Just put it together,// Also I don't think that your arrays are gonna be parsed this way, well it didn't work for me...// So therefore its better you make sure they aren't included in the quotes// Also using your $query as an array is not a really good idea, therefore you might wanna use$select = "SELECT ...";$from = "FROM ...";// Something in this order and later on just glue it! $sql = $select . $from . $where . $query ..$query = "cpt_listings.state = '" . $_GET[search_area] . "' AND = '" . $_GET[search_area] . "' ";// If no results turn up by this one, try OR instead of AND// Hope this helps..[/code]But hey that are just my thoughts.. whatever floats your boat :d Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 Hi there Thanks for the reply.So what code do you think i should use im a lil nooby do you have something I could paste in ?Thanks Again Col Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ryanlwh Posted August 4, 2006 Share Posted August 4, 2006 post the whole section. it will help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 The whole code is below[code]require_once("conn.php");require_once("includes.php");$query = array();if(!empty($_GET[c])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.CategoryID = '$_GET[c]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[s])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.SubcategoryID = '$_GET[s]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[AgentID])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.AgentID = '$_GET[AgentID]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_province])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.province = '$_GET[search_province]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_country])){ $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_country]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_area])){$query[] = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_area]'";}if(!empty($_GET[zip_code])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.zip_code = '$_GET[zip_code]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_category])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.CategoryID = '$_GET[search_category]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_subcategory])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.SubcategoryID = '$_GET[search_Subcategory]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_state])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_state]' "; }if(!empty($_GET[search_city])){ $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_city]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_PropertyType])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.PropertyType = '$_GET[search_PropertyType]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[MinPrice])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.price >= '$_GET[MinPrice]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[MaxPrice])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.price <= '$_GET[MaxPrice]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[rooms1])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.rooms >= '$_GET[rooms1]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[rooms2])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.rooms <= '$_GET[rooms2]' ";}if(!empty($_POST[MinRooms])) { $rooms1 = $_POST[MinRooms]; } if(!empty($_POST[MaxRooms])) { $rooms2 = $_POST[MaxRooms]; }if(!empty($_GET[bath1])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.bathrooms >= '$_GET[bath1]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[bath2])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.bathrooms <= '$_GET[bath2]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[before])){ $MyDate = strtotime("-$_GET[before]"); $query[] = "cpt_listings.DateAdded >= '$MyDate' ";}if(!empty($_GET[school])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.NearSchool = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[transit])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.NearTransit = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[park])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.NearPark = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[ocean_view])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.OceanView = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[lake_view])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.LakeView = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[mountain_view])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.MountainView = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[ocean_waterfront])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.OceanWaterfront = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[lake_waterfront])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.LakeWaterfront = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[river_waterfront])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.RiverWaterfront = 'y' ";}if(!empty($query)){ $MyQuery = implode(" and ", $query); $MyQuery = "and ".$MyQuery;}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// order by$order = array();if(!empty($_GET[orderby])){ $MyOrder = explode("|", $_GET[orderby]); while(list(,$ov) = each($MyOrder)) { if($ov == "DateAdded") { $order[] = " cpt_listings.DateAdded desc "; } if($ov == "Price") { $order[] = " cpt_listings.Price asc "; } if($ov == "address") { $order[] = " cpt_listings.address asc "; } }}else{ if(!empty($_GET[p])) { $order[] = " cpt_listings.Price asc "; } if(!empty($_GET[r])) { $order[] = " cpt_listings.rooms asc, cpt_listings.bathrooms asc, cpt_listings.garage asc "; } if(!empty($_GET[city])) { $order[] = ", cpt_listings.address, cpt_listings.state "; }}if(count($order) > '0'){ $MyOrder = implode(", ", $order);}if(empty($MyOrder)){ $MyOrder = " order by cpt_agents.PriorityLevel desc, cpt_listings.DateAdded desc";}else{ $MyOrder = " order by cpt_agents.PriorityLevel desc, $MyOrder";}if(!empty($_GET[Start])){ $Start = $_GET[Start];}else{ $Start = '0';}$ByPage = '20';$q1 = "select * from cpt_listings, cpt_agents where cpt_listings.AgentID = cpt_agents.AgentID and cpt_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage ";$qnav = "select * from cpt_listings, cpt_agents where cpt_listings.AgentID = cpt_agents.AgentID $MyQuery";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());$lrows = mysql_num_rows($r1);if($lrows > '0'){ $ListingTable .= "<table align=center width=510 border=1 bordercolor=black frame=hsides rules=rows cellspacing=0>";$ListingTable .= "<p><img src='' alt='Property Search East Anglia'></p>"; while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $ListingTable .= "<tr>\n\t"; if($a1[PriorityLevel] > '1') { $sub = "<span class=RedLink><sup>$a1[PriorityName]</sup></span>"; } $ListingTable .= "\n\t<td width=15>"; if(!empty($a1[image])) { $MyImages = explode("|", $a1[image]); // we need a random number not more than the number of images we have // cjs changed end number to - 1 instead of + 1 so images did not show in random $upper_range = substr_count($a1[image],"|") - 1; $random_ha = rand(1, $upper_range); $i = 1; while(list(,$v) = each($MyImages)) { if ($i == $random_ha) { $img_file = $v; } $i++; } $ListingTable .= "<img src=\"re_images/$img_file\" width=155 height=103 border=0 hspace=10 vspace=10 class=\"table4\">"; } $ListingTable .= "</td>\n\t"; $ListingTable .= "<td width=305><b>$a1[address]</b><br> $a1[state]<br> $a1[city]<br> $a1[province] <br><br>$a1[rooms] Bedrooms $sub</td>\n\t"; $MyPrice = number_format($a1[Price], 0, ".", ""); $ListingTable .= "</td>\n\t<td align=center width=180><b><font style='font-size: 14pt'>" . getCurrentCurrencySymbol($a1[currencyID]) . "$MyPrice</font><br><br><a href=info.php?id=$a1[ListingID]><img border='0' src='' width='88' height='25'></a><br><font style='font-size: 12pt'><font color=#CC0000> $a1[HomeAge]</font></td>\n"; $ListingTable .= "</tr>\n"; } $ListingTable .= "</table>"; $rnav = mysql_query($qnav) or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($rnav); if($rows > $ByPage) { $ListingTable .= "<br><table align=center width=510>"; $ListingTable .= "<td align=center><font face=verdana size=2> | "; $pages = ceil($rows/$ByPage); for($i = 0; $i <= ($pages); $i++) { $PageStart = $ByPage*$i; $i2 = $i + 1; if($PageStart == $Start) { $links[] = " <span class=RedLink>$i2</span>\n\t "; } elseif($PageStart < $rows) { $links[] = " <a class=BlackLink href=\"search.php?Start=$PageStart&c=$_GET[c]&s=$_GET[s]&AgentID=$_GET[AgentID]&search_city=$_GET[search_city]&search_state=$_GET[search_state]&search_country=$_GET[search_country]&search_PropertyType=$_GET[search_PropertyType]&MinPrice=$_GET[MinPrice]&MaxPrice=$_GET[MaxPrice]&rooms1=$_GET[rooms1]&rooms2=$_GET[rooms2]&bath1=$_GET[bath1]&bath2=$_GET[bath2]&before=$_GET[before]&school=$_GET[school]&transit=$_GET[transit]&park=$_GET[park]&ocean_view=$_GET[ocean_view]&lake_view=$_GET[lake_view]&mountain_view=$_GET[mountain_view]&ocean_waterfront=$_GET[ocean_waterfront]&lake_waterfront=$_GET[lake_waterfront]&river_waterfront=$_GET[river_waterfront]&city=$_GET[city]&p=$_GET[p]&r=$_GET[r]\">$i2</a>\n\t "; } } $links2 = implode(" | ", $links); $ListingTable .= $links2; $ListingTable .= "| </td>"; $ListingTable .= "</table><br>\n"; }}else{ $ListingTable = "<br><br><center>Sorry, no results were found in that category.</center>";}require_once("templates/HeaderTemplate.php");require_once("templates/SearchTemplate.php"); require_once("templates/FooterTemplate.php");?>[/code]Thanks Guys Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 4, 2006 Author Share Posted August 4, 2006 Anyone got any ideas ?Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 5, 2006 Author Share Posted August 5, 2006 Anyone can help ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 5, 2006 Author Share Posted August 5, 2006 If i use this [code]$query[] = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_area]' or = '$_GET[search_area]'";[/code]It sort of works where it will display the town ok if i search for costessy in the search box but if i put in norwich which is a town i get 16 or 17 duplicate results for each property.Does anybody know why this is ?ThanksColin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redarrow Posted August 5, 2006 Share Posted August 5, 2006 when you get duplicates means that the loop is somewere not stoped or in wrong postion. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 5, 2006 Author Share Posted August 5, 2006 Heh i just dont know there or how to stop it looping.Any ideas ?Thanks in advance Colin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redarrow Posted August 5, 2006 Share Posted August 5, 2006 post the code you got know ok. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 5, 2006 Author Share Posted August 5, 2006 ok here it is[code]<?/************************************************************************** cptRealty Real Estate Listing Application* ©2005 Costa Pacific Technologies. All rights reserved.*** File Info: search.php v1.1* Updated: 02/17/2005 - Lee Hadley************************************************************************/require_once("conn.php");require_once("includes.php");$query = array();if(!empty($_GET[c])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.CategoryID = '$_GET[c]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[s])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.SubcategoryID = '$_GET[s]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[AgentID])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.AgentID = '$_GET[AgentID]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_province])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.province = '$_GET[search_province]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_country])){ $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_country]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_area])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_area]' or = '$_GET[search_area]'";}if(!empty($_GET[zip_code])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.zip_code = '$_GET[zip_code]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_category])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.CategoryID = '$_GET[search_category]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_subcategory])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.SubcategoryID = '$_GET[search_Subcategory]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_state])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.state = '$_GET[search_state]' "; }if(!empty($_GET[search_city])){ $query[] = " = '$_GET[search_city]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[search_PropertyType])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.PropertyType = '$_GET[search_PropertyType]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[MinPrice])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.price >= '$_GET[MinPrice]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[MaxPrice])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.price <= '$_GET[MaxPrice]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[rooms1])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.rooms >= '$_GET[rooms1]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[rooms2])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.rooms <= '$_GET[rooms2]' ";}if(!empty($_POST[MinRooms])) { $rooms1 = $_POST[MinRooms]; } if(!empty($_POST[MaxRooms])) { $rooms2 = $_POST[MaxRooms]; }if(!empty($_GET[bath1])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.bathrooms >= '$_GET[bath1]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[bath2])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.bathrooms <= '$_GET[bath2]' ";}if(!empty($_GET[before])){ $MyDate = strtotime("-$_GET[before]"); $query[] = "cpt_listings.DateAdded >= '$MyDate' ";}if(!empty($_GET[school])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.NearSchool = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[transit])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.NearTransit = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[park])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.NearPark = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[ocean_view])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.OceanView = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[lake_view])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.LakeView = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[mountain_view])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.MountainView = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[ocean_waterfront])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.OceanWaterfront = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[lake_waterfront])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.LakeWaterfront = 'y' ";}if(!empty($_GET[river_waterfront])){ $query[] = "cpt_listings.RiverWaterfront = 'y' ";}if(!empty($query)){ $MyQuery = implode(" and ", $query); $MyQuery = "and ".$MyQuery;}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// order by$order = array();if(!empty($_GET[orderby])){ $MyOrder = explode("|", $_GET[orderby]); while(list(,$ov) = each($MyOrder)) { if($ov == "DateAdded") { $order[] = " cpt_listings.DateAdded desc "; } if($ov == "Price") { $order[] = " cpt_listings.Price asc "; } if($ov == "address") { $order[] = " cpt_listings.address asc "; } }}else{ if(!empty($_GET[p])) { $order[] = " cpt_listings.Price asc "; } if(!empty($_GET[r])) { $order[] = " cpt_listings.rooms asc, cpt_listings.bathrooms asc, cpt_listings.garage asc "; } if(!empty($_GET[city])) { $order[] = ", cpt_listings.address, cpt_listings.state "; }}if(count($order) > '0'){ $MyOrder = implode(", ", $order);}if(empty($MyOrder)){ $MyOrder = " order by cpt_agents.PriorityLevel desc, cpt_listings.DateAdded desc";}else{ $MyOrder = " order by cpt_agents.PriorityLevel desc, $MyOrder";}if(!empty($_GET[Start])){ $Start = $_GET[Start];}else{ $Start = '0';}$ByPage = '20';$q1 = "select * from cpt_listings, cpt_agents where cpt_listings.AgentID = cpt_agents.AgentID and cpt_agents.AccountStatus = 'active' $MyQuery $MyOrder limit $Start, $ByPage ";$qnav = "select * from cpt_listings, cpt_agents where cpt_listings.AgentID = cpt_agents.AgentID $MyQuery";$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());$lrows = mysql_num_rows($r1);if($lrows > '0'){ $ListingTable .= "<table align=center width=510 border=1 bordercolor=black frame=hsides rules=rows cellspacing=0>";$ListingTable .= "<p><img src='' alt='Property Search East Anglia'></p>"; while($a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1)) { $ListingTable .= "<tr>\n\t"; if($a1[PriorityLevel] > '1') { $sub = "<span class=RedLink><sup>$a1[PriorityName]</sup></span>"; } $ListingTable .= "\n\t<td width=15>"; if(!empty($a1[image])) { $MyImages = explode("|", $a1[image]); // we need a random number not more than the number of images we have // cjs changed end number to - 1 instead of + 1 so images did not show in random $upper_range = substr_count($a1[image],"|") - 1; $random_ha = rand(1, $upper_range); $i = 1; while(list(,$v) = each($MyImages)) { if ($i == $random_ha) { $img_file = $v; } $i++; } $ListingTable .= "<img src=\"re_images/$img_file\" width=155 height=103 border=0 hspace=10 vspace=10 class=\"table4\">"; } $ListingTable .= "</td>\n\t"; $ListingTable .= "<td width=305><b>$a1[address]</b><br> $a1[state]<br> $a1[city]<br> $a1[province] <br><br>$a1[rooms] Bedrooms $sub</td>\n\t"; $MyPrice = number_format($a1[Price], 0, ".", ""); $ListingTable .= "</td>\n\t<td align=center width=180><b><font style='font-size: 14pt'>" . getCurrentCurrencySymbol($a1[currencyID]) . "$MyPrice</font><br><br><a href=info.php?id=$a1[ListingID]><img border='0' src='' width='88' height='25'></a><br><font style='font-size: 12pt'><font color=#CC0000> $a1[HomeAge]</font></td>\n"; $ListingTable .= "</tr>\n"; } $ListingTable .= "</table>"; $rnav = mysql_query($qnav) or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($rnav); if($rows > $ByPage) { $ListingTable .= "<br><table align=center width=510>"; $ListingTable .= "<td align=center><font face=verdana size=2> | "; $pages = ceil($rows/$ByPage); for($i = 0; $i <= ($pages); $i++) { $PageStart = $ByPage*$i; $i2 = $i + 1; if($PageStart == $Start) { $links[] = " <span class=RedLink>$i2</span>\n\t "; } elseif($PageStart < $rows) { $links[] = " <a class=BlackLink href=\"search.php?Start=$PageStart&c=$_GET[c]&s=$_GET[s]&AgentID=$_GET[AgentID]&search_city=$_GET[search_city]&search_state=$_GET[search_state]&search_country=$_GET[search_country]&search_PropertyType=$_GET[search_PropertyType]&MinPrice=$_GET[MinPrice]&MaxPrice=$_GET[MaxPrice]&rooms1=$_GET[rooms1]&rooms2=$_GET[rooms2]&bath1=$_GET[bath1]&bath2=$_GET[bath2]&before=$_GET[before]&school=$_GET[school]&transit=$_GET[transit]&park=$_GET[park]&ocean_view=$_GET[ocean_view]&lake_view=$_GET[lake_view]&mountain_view=$_GET[mountain_view]&ocean_waterfront=$_GET[ocean_waterfront]&lake_waterfront=$_GET[lake_waterfront]&river_waterfront=$_GET[river_waterfront]&city=$_GET[city]&p=$_GET[p]&r=$_GET[r]\">$i2</a>\n\t "; } } $links2 = implode(" | ", $links); $ListingTable .= $links2; $ListingTable .= "| </td>"; $ListingTable .= "</table><br>\n"; }}else{ $ListingTable = "<br><br><center>Sorry, no results were found in that category.</center>";}require_once("templates/HeaderTemplate.php");require_once("templates/SearchTemplate.php"); require_once("templates/FooterTemplate.php");?>[/code]Just to let you know.Im am using costessy for the town and norwich for the city in the search box Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redarrow Posted August 5, 2006 Share Posted August 5, 2006 for($i = 0; $i <= ($pages); $i++)tryfor($i = 0; $i <= count($pages); $i++) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 5, 2006 Author Share Posted August 5, 2006 K iv changed it and im still getting 17 rersults (duplicates):( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 7, 2006 Author Share Posted August 7, 2006 Any ideas anyone ? ???Thanks Col Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idweb Posted August 8, 2006 Author Share Posted August 8, 2006 Please someone help boo hoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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