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tracking/database setup


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Looking for help.  Need to keep track of when a download takes place, basically a hit on a file.  I have an overall counter functioning and working.  I need to track by Month and Year as well.  Not sure how to set up database.  My first thought was just insert a new entry each time.  Example:  click on file A then insert into database file A, date.  Then I can count how many times for a particular month or year for that file was entered. 


My question is, does this sound ok or is there another way?  It seems that this database will get really big over the years.  Any suggestions or examples/guidance would be great if I am way off.


Thanks in advance.



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If you want precise information about each download you will have to insert a new row into the database each time someone downloads it. Yes, it'll grow with time, but that's the price you will have to pay for detailed logs.


Alternately you can just read your web server's access logs.

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Thanks for the reply.  I think for now I am going to go with just keeping track and inserting each time.  I got it to do what I needed it to do within 10 minutes.  So it works and I understand the process and how to code it.



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