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was working but suddely dont :(


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Hiya guy's,


Is there a problem in this script because i cant get it working for the love god it was working fine but now all it does is give me a blank screen and i havent touched it at all,





class tagSpider  {  
var $crl;  
var $html;   
var $binary;   
var $url;  
function tagSpider()  {  

$this->html = "";  
$this->binary = 0;  
$this->url = ""; 


function fetchPage($url)  {  

$this->url = $url;  
if (isset($this->url)) {  

$this->ch = curl_init ();  
$this->useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/";

curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);  
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);   
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);    
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, $this->binary);   
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->useragent);

$this->html = curl_exec($this->ch);   

curl_close ($this->ch);  

function parse_array($beg_tag, $close_tag)  {  

preg_match_all("($beg_tag.*$close_tag)siU", $this->html, $matching_data);   

return $matching_data[0];  






include 'exe.php';

$interval = 10;
$limit = 995;

for ($i = 0; $i <= $limit; $i += $interval) {


$stag='<span id=title class="fn org" dir=ltr>';
$tspider = new tagSpider();  
$linkarray = $tspider->parse_array($stag, $etag); 

foreach ($linkarray as $result) { 

$string = preg_replace('~<div align=left><div class=rescat>Category:.*?<span><a class=f href=/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=indian+delivery+in+berkshire&sll=52.173511,-0.411301&sspn=0.205075,0.441513&ie=UTF8&view=text&ei=tvJkSuGYAoKGjAekw8CRDA&attrid=&latlng=16738287191014861748&cd=1&dtab=2&pcsi=16738287191014861748,0 log=miwd id=nrev_A>1 review</a> - <a class=f nw href=https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=local&hl=en&nui=1&continue=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps%3Ff%3Dq%26source%3Ds_q%26hl%3Den%26geocode%3D%26q%3Dindian%2Bdelivery%2Bin%2Bberkshire%26sll%3D52.173511,-0.411301%26sspn%3D0.205075,0.441513%26ie%3DUTF8%26view%3Dtext%26ei%3DtvJkSuGYAoKGjAekw8CRDA%26attrid%3D%26dtab%3D2%26cid%3D16738287191014861748%26iwd%3D1%26iwloc%3DA%26action%3Dopen log=miwd id=wrev_A>Write a review</a></span></div>~is','',$result);
$stringtop = preg_replace('~</a><span><a class=f href=.*?Write a review</a></span></div>~is',',',$string);
$stringbottom = preg_replace('~</a><span><a class="f nw" href=https://.*?Write a review</a></span></div>~is',',',$stringtop);
$stringmiddle = preg_replace('~</span>&#8206;<div><div>.*?<span class=adr id=adr dir=ltr>~is','',$stringbottom);
$stringfinal = preg_replace('~<div><a href=.*?</span></a>~is','',$stringmiddle);
$bored = preg_replace('~<span .*?>~is','',$stringfinal);
$verybored = preg_replace('~</sp.*?an>~is','',$bored);
$sleep = preg_replace('~</di.*?v>~is','',$verybored);
$close = preg_replace('~&#82.*?06;~is','',$sleep);
$to = preg_replace('~<b.*?>~is','',$close);
$death = preg_replace('~<di.*?v>~is','',$to);
$done = preg_replace('~</b.*?>~is','',$death);

$content = str_replace(" - ", ',', "$done");
$contentt = str_replace(",", '","', "$content");
$contents =  '("' . $contentt . '"),' . "\r\n";
$open = fopen('data.txt', "a+");
$write = fwrite($open, $contents);

echo $contents . "\n";



Many thanks,



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Please ?,


This is very needed and i dont understand why it is not working it was but now i just get a blank screen,


I spent a lot of time on this believe it or not would be much appreciated if someone could help me here,


Many thanks,



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Something had to be changed for it to suddenly stop working..


Did you take notice of the modified dates of the files to see if they were newer than expected?


On my server I have the same issue with a script that will white screen and not show any PHP errors, my problem was that I had added a field to my mySQL query which didn't actually exist in the database therefore the results were not loading.

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Something had to be changed for it to suddenly stop working..


Did you take notice of the modified dates of the files to see if they were newer than expected?


On my server I have the same issue with a script that will white screen and not show any PHP errors, my problem was that I had added a field to my mySQL query which didn't actually exist in the database therefore the results were not loading.


Agreed, But honestly i have not touched them i was running them via my browser refreshed the page and it didnt work from then.

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I know someone mentioned this but put these two lines in both of your files directly after your opening PHP tag:


ini_set ("display_errors", "1");


This should have also picked up the single quote error...

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Done, still nothing, i also added


to see if that help's.


<?php ob_start();

ini_set ("display_errors", "1");

include 'exe.php';

$interval = 10;
$limit = 995;

for ($i = 0; $i <= $limit; $i += $interval) {


$stag='<span id=title class="fn org" dir=ltr>';
$tspider = new tagSpider();  
$linkarray = $tspider->parse_array($stag, $etag); 

foreach ($linkarray as $result) { 

$string = preg_replace('~<div align=left><div class=rescat>Category:.*?<span><a class=f href=/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=indian+delivery+in+berkshire&sll=52.173511,-0.411301&sspn=0.205075,0.441513&ie=UTF8&view=text&ei=tvJkSuGYAoKGjAekw8CRDA&attrid=&latlng=16738287191014861748&cd=1&dtab=2&pcsi=16738287191014861748,0 log=miwd id=nrev_A>1 review</a> - <a class=f nw href=https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=local&hl=en&nui=1&continue=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps%3Ff%3Dq%26source%3Ds_q%26hl%3Den%26geocode%3D%26q%3Dindian%2Bdelivery%2Bin%2Bberkshire%26sll%3D52.173511,-0.411301%26sspn%3D0.205075,0.441513%26ie%3DUTF8%26view%3Dtext%26ei%3DtvJkSuGYAoKGjAekw8CRDA%26attrid%3D%26dtab%3D2%26cid%3D16738287191014861748%26iwd%3D1%26iwloc%3DA%26action%3Dopen log=miwd id=wrev_A>Write a review</a></span></div>~is','',$result);
$stringtop = preg_replace('~</a><span><a class=f href=.*?Write a review</a></span></div>~is',',',$string);
$stringbottom = preg_replace('~</a><span><a class="f nw" href=https://.*?Write a review</a></span></div>~is',',',$stringtop);
$stringmiddle = preg_replace('~</span>&#38;#8206;<div><div>.*?<span class=adr id=adr dir=ltr>~is','',$stringbottom);
$stringfinal = preg_replace('~<div><a href=.*?</span></a>~is','',$stringmiddle);
$bored = preg_replace('~<span .*?>~is','',$stringfinal);
$verybored = preg_replace('~</sp.*?an>~is','',$bored);
$sleep = preg_replace('~</di.*?v>~is','',$verybored);
$close = preg_replace('~&#82.*?06;~is','',$sleep);
$to = preg_replace('~<b.*?>~is','',$close);
$death = preg_replace('~<di.*?v>~is','',$to);
$done = preg_replace('~</b.*?>~is','',$death);

$content = str_replace(" - ", ',', "$done");
$contentt = str_replace(",", '","', "$content");
$contents =  '("' . $contentt . '"),' . "\r\n";
$open = fopen('data.txt', "a+");
$write = fwrite($open, $contents);

echo $contents . "\n";


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Add this print_r between these two lines:


$linkarray = $tspider->parse_array($stag, $etag); 
foreach ($linkarray as $result) { 



Array ( )



if this is any diffrence when i go to run the page it doesnt stop loading it is just continuous as if the script is massive and it took a while for the Array ( ) to be printed so im guessing some piece of code above that is causing it.

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Morning peepz,


Sorry to continue this forum just need some help,


Basically i was doing some research last night and because im trying to scrap a google page after a certain amount of time google block's it,


Is there anything i can do to get around this block ?,


I have changed my user agent to the Google Bot but it still isn't giving me no love,


Any ideas would be really appreciated,


Many thanks,



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I re-made it all and it still wasnt running but luck would have it i know it is connecting because it suddenly popped up with the Google Error Captcha screen but still nothing,




  class Spider {

public $place;
public $num;
public $result;
public $url;
public $html = "";
public $matching_data;
public $connect;

  function Connect() {

$place = "berkshire";
$interval = 10;
$limit = 995;

for ($i = 0; $i <= $limit; $i += $interval) {

$url = "http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=indian+takeaways+in+$place&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=12.657515,28.256836&ie=UTF8&view=text&ei=5-tmSqSDHZDBjAfBu_S5BQ&attrid=&oi=localspell&ct=clnk&cd=1&start=$i"; 

$connect = curl_init("$url");  

curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);  
curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_URL, $url);   
curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);    
curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, 0);
curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)'); 
curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_REFERER, 'http://www.google.co.uk');
curl_setopt($connect, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
$this->html = curl_exec($connect);   



return ($this->html);

  function parse_array() {
preg_match_all("(<span id=title class=\"fn org\" dir=ltr>.*</span></span>&#38;#8206;</div>)siU", $this->html, $matching_data);

$this->data = $matching_data[0];

return ($this->data);

function Info() {

foreach ($this->data as $result) {

$open = fopen('data.txt', "a+");
$string = preg_replace('~<div align=left><div class=rescat>Category:.*?<span><a class=f href=/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=indian+delivery+in+berkshire&sll=52.173511,-0.411301&sspn=0.205075,0.441513&ie=UTF8&view=text&ei=tvJkSuGYAoKGjAekw8CRDA&attrid=&latlng=16738287191014861748&cd=1&dtab=2&pcsi=16738287191014861748,0 log=miwd id=nrev_A>1 review</a> - <a class=f nw href=https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=local&hl=en&nui=1&continue=http://maps.google.co.uk/maps%3Ff%3Dq%26source%3Ds_q%26hl%3Den%26geocode%3D%26q%3Dindian%2Bdelivery%2Bin%2Bberkshire%26sll%3D52.173511,-0.411301%26sspn%3D0.205075,0.441513%26ie%3DUTF8%26view%3Dtext%26ei%3DtvJkSuGYAoKGjAekw8CRDA%26attrid%3D%26dtab%3D2%26cid%3D16738287191014861748%26iwd%3D1%26iwloc%3DA%26action%3Dopen log=miwd id=wrev_A>Write a review</a></span></div>~is','',$result);
$stringtop = preg_replace('~</a><span><a class=f href=.*?Write a review</a></span></div>~is',',',$string);
$stringbottom = preg_replace('~</a><span><a class="f nw" href=https://.*?Write a review</a></span></div>~is',',',$stringtop);
$stringmiddle = preg_replace('~</span>&#38;#8206;<div><div>.*?<span class=adr id=adr dir=ltr>~is','',$stringbottom);
$stringfinal = preg_replace('~<div><a href=.*?</span></a>~is','',$stringmiddle);
$bored = preg_replace('~<span .*?>~is','',$stringfinal);
$verybored = preg_replace('~</sp.*?an>~is','',$bored);
$sleep = preg_replace('~</di.*?v>~is','',$verybored);
$close = preg_replace('~&#82.*?06;~is','',$sleep);
$to = preg_replace('~<b.*?>~is','',$close);
$death = preg_replace('~<di.*?v>~is','',$to);
$done = preg_replace('~</b.*?>~is','',$death);

$content = str_replace(" - ", ',', "$done");
$contentt = str_replace(",", '","', "$content");
$contents =  '("' . $contentt . '"),' . "\r\n";

$write = fwrite($open, $contents);

return $contents;





include 'exe.php';

$spider = new Spider(); 

$connect = $spider->Connect($place);  

$linkarray = $spider->parse_array(); 

foreach ($linkarray as $result) { 

$contents = $spider->Info($result);

echo $contents . "\n";




i used


on the $connect var and the $linkarray var in the and the $connect var returns the number ' 1 ' and when i use it on the $linkarray it returns ' Array ( ) 1 '


any suggestions ?,



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