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i want my bash script to check if a lock file exists, if it exists, the script should keep checking till the lock file is gone, and then proceed. so far, ive made it so the script exits if the lock file is found. whats the change i need to make? i know i need a while loop, but im still learning bash syntax so hopefully someone could shed some light on this topic for me


if [ -f /usr/xxxx/xxxx.lock ]
        exit 1
        DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%e`
        mysqldump -uxxx -pXXXXX XXX_db xx_tbl > /ebs/MYSQL_BACKUPS/xx_$DATE.sql
        mysqldump -uxxx -pXXXXX XXX_db xx_tbl > /ebs/MYSQL_BACKUPS/xx_$DATE.sql
        cd /ebs/MYSQL_BACKUPS

        tar -czf mysql_backup_$DATE.sql.tar.gz  xx_$DATE.sql xx_$DATE.sql
        rm -f *.sql

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while true ; do

function attemptbackup() {
  if [ -f /usr/xxxx/xxxx.lock ]
    DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%e`
    mysqldump -uxxx -pXXXXX XXX_db xx_tbl > /ebs/MYSQL_BACKUPS/xx_$DATE.sql
    mysqldump -uxxx -pXXXXX XXX_db xx_tbl > /ebs/MYSQL_BACKUPS/xx_$DATE.sql
    cd /ebs/MYSQL_BACKUPS

    tar -czf mysql_backup_$DATE.sql.tar.gz  xx_$DATE.sql xx_$DATE.sql
    rm -f *.sql

the lock file is created by another script while running. the script that creates the file also removes the file at the end of completion. and the reason i check for it is because the script that creates the script works hourly, and adds to the tables i am backing up. mysqldump locks the tables, so i cant risk losing data.

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