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Mail Upload Form - uploads file, but doesn't send messages!


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I have a huge problem with this mail form - it uploads the files perfectly to my server and sends me a notification on my mail, but it doesn't send the information written in the text-boxes - in my mail they are left blank. I've modified the form to only include the following boxes "Name", "Email" og "Info" - does this mean that the php-script, further down, has to be rewritten? I thought so, so I tried to delete "Phone", "Fax", "Speciality" og "Clinic" all the places they appeard in the script, but that didn't help? - I seriously hope some of you guys can help - I'm torn apart by this stupid script  :confused:




$MaxFileSize = "2048000"; // max file size in bytes

$HDDSpace = "1048576"; // max total size of all files in directory

$HDDTotal = "445";

$OffExt = "";

// add characters to strip out of filenames

$ThisFileName = basename(__FILE__); // get the file name

$abspath = str_replace($ThisFileName,"",__FILE__);  // get the directory path

// full path



$snr = array("%","'","+","\\","/","#","..","!",'"',',','?','*','~');






            $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] =


            $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] =

str_replace($snr,"",$HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);  // remove any % signs from

the file name

            $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] =



            /* if the file size is within allowed limits */

            if($HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['size'] > 0 &&

$HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['size'] < $MaxFileSize) 



                /* if adding the file will not exceed the maximum allowed total */

                if(($HDDTotal + $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['size']) < $HDDSpace) 



                        /* put the file in the directory */



                        $msg = "";


                    $myfrom = $Email; 

                    $myemail = "xxx@xxx.dk"; 

                    $todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ;





                    $Email= stripcslashes($Email);

                    $Name= stripcslashes($Name);

                    $Phone= stripcslashes($Phone);

                    $info= stripcslashes($info);

                    $Fax= stripcslashes($Fax);

                    $Speciality= stripcslashes($Speciality);

                    $Clinic= stripcslashes($Clinic);



                    $subject= "Request From Website";


                    $message = " 

                    uploadedfile          : $filename

                    Name                  : $Name

                    Email                : $Email

                    Phone                : $Phone

                    Fax                  : $Fax

                    Speciality            : $Speciality

                    Clinic/Hospital    :$Clinic

                    Comments/Request    :$info


                    $from = "From: $myfrom\r\n";

                    mail($myemail, $subject, $message, $from);




                        $msg = "The Filename: ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']."

is BLOCKED from being uploaded here.";






        $MaxKB = $MaxFileSize/1024; // show the max file size in Kb

        $msg =  "The file was greater than the maximum allowed, file size of $MaxKB and

could not be uploaded.";



print $msg;

// Your message has been sent successfully with attachment.


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First off, you need to stop using $HTTP_xxxxx. These have been obsoleted by $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, and so on.


I would guess that your form fields turn out blank because the server does not have register_globals enabled. Say you have a form field something like this: <input type="text" name="email">, you would read it in PHP using $_POST['email'].

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$MaxFileSize = "2048000"; // max file size in bytes
$HDDSpace = "1048576"; // max total size of all files in directory
$HDDTotal = "445";
$OffExt = "";
// add characters to strip out of filenames
$ThisFileName = basename(__FILE__); // get the file name
$abspath = str_replace($ThisFileName,"",__FILE__);  // get the directory path
// full path
$snr = array("%","'","+","\\","/","#","..","!",'"',',','?','*','~');

            $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] =
            $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] =
str_replace($snr,"",$HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);  // remove any % signs from
the file name
            $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] =

            /* if the file size is within allowed limits */
            if($HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['size'] > 0 &&
$HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['size'] < $MaxFileSize) 

                /* if adding the file will not exceed the maximum allowed total */
                if(($HDDTotal + $HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['size']) < $HDDSpace) 

                        /* put the file in the directory */
                        $msg = "";

                    $myfrom = $Email; 
                    $myemail = "xxx@xxx.dk"; 
                    $todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") ;
                    $Email= stripcslashes($Email);
                    $Name= stripcslashes($Name);
                    $Phone= stripcslashes($Phone);
                    $info= stripcslashes($info);
                    $Fax= stripcslashes($Fax);
                    $Speciality= stripcslashes($Speciality);
                    $Clinic= stripcslashes($Clinic);

                    $subject= "Request From Website";
                    $message = " 
                    uploadedfile          : $filename
                    Name                  : $Name
                    Email                : $Email
                    Phone                : $Phone
                    Fax                  : $Fax
                    Speciality            : $Speciality
                    Clinic/Hospital    :$Clinic
                    Comments/Request    :$info
                    $from = "From: $myfrom\r\n";
                    mail($myemail, $subject, $message, $from);
                        $msg = "The Filename: ".$HTTP_POST_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']."
is BLOCKED from being uploaded here.";
        $MaxKB = $MaxFileSize/1024; // show the max file size in Kb
        $msg =  "The file was greater than the maximum allowed, file size of $MaxKB and
could not be uploaded.";
print $msg;
// Your message has been sent successfully with attachment.

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