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[SOLVED] Taking string from db result and insert \ escape for " to echo included html


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I have done a mysql query and gotten a string returned in a variable $article, I want to recursively read through the string and escape the quotes in html tags in the string so that it can all be echoed all at once and display properly.


here is an example of what is put in the string

"<p><img src="images/sound-surfer-news.gif" width="133" height="28"></p>


<h1>Lopez, Anthony to Sue National Enquirer<br>

<img src="images/02_news_loqez.jpg" width="250" height="250" border="1"></h1>

<p>DUBLIN, Ireland -- Jennifer Lopez and her husband, Marc Anthony, are suing the National Enquirer in European courts over the tabloid's claims they were linked to a drug scandal, their Belfast lawyer said Monday.</p>

<p>Paul Tweed, who specializes in bringing U.S.-based celebrities' libel cases to British and Irish courts, told The Associated Press that actress-singer Lopez, 38, and singer Anthony, 37, were seeking "a six-figure settlement" from the Enquirer, based in Boca Raton, Fla., and its parent company, American Media Inc.</p>

<p>Tweed said the lawsuit would be filed Tuesday in a Belfast court, and in subsequent days in courts in Dublin, London and Paris.</p>

<p>A telephone message left at the National Enquirer wasn't immediately returned Monday. A spokesman for AMI, Richard Balvo, said he had no comment.</p>

<p>"It would be our policy to not comment on it at this time, Balvo said.</p>


<p>The lawsuit also seeks an apology and retraction for an article that appeared in different versions of the Enquirer's U.S. and international editions.</p>

<p>The version published March 12 in British and Irish editions alleged the couple were "caught up in a heroin scandal" — and reprinted a 2004 picture of Anthony standing beside photographer Michael Star, who is facing charges of heroin possession and child pornography in the U.S.</p>

<p>The article quoted an alleged friend of Star as saying Star and Anthony were friends.</p>

<p>Tweed told the AP this was untrue and that Anthony didn't know Star even as an acquaintance. Anthony posed for the 2004 photograph, Tweed said, in keeping with his usual hospitality toward backstage concert fans.</p>

<p>There has been a growing trend in international libel suits brought by U.S.-based celebrities in European courts, where libel laws favor the celebrity, not the publication.</p>

<p>"The First Amendment restrictions in U.S. libel law make it virtually impossible for international celebrities or other high-profile individuals to sue successfully," Tweed said.</p>


<p>"But with the advance of the Internet, and with U.S. publications now extending their distribution network into Europe, they must subject themselves to libel laws in these jurisdictions."</p>

<p>Tweed said he received approval Monday from Lopez's Los Angeles law firm, Lavely & Singer, to proceed with the lawsuit.</p>


Posted Apr 16, 2007 3:23 PM</p>

<h1>It's A Culture, Not A Trend: Bands Are Rocking Bilingually More Than Ever<br>

  <img src="images/02_news_los_abandoned.jpg" width="250" height="250"><br>

  <span class="style1">Los Abandoned</span> </h1>


<p>When Chilean-born Lady P. (Pilar Diaz) of post-punk quartet Los Abandoned sings those lyrics from the band's 2004 single "Van Nuys (Es Very Nice)," she is echoing the sentiments of countless U.S. residents who straddle two cultures.</p>

<p>"It's sort of my childhood lament on being the daughter of an immigrant, and seeing the differences between both countries and asking, 'Why did you leave something as beautiful as the Andes Mountains, as beautiful as the Amazon forest and Machu Picchu, for Van Nuys [California], which is just, like, cement and smog?' "</p>

<p>The fact that this playful dig at her second hometown was written in English and Spanish certainly adds to its effect. But Los Abandoned don't limit their bilingual lyrics to any subject matter; like many bands, they also sing about relationships, current events and daily observations, expressing themselves in their music the way they converse every day — bilingually. So do bands like the Mars Volta (see "Mars Volta's Amputechture Inspired By Immigrant Marches, Possessed Nuns"), Los Lonely Boys, Go Betty Go and many others.</p>

<p>This isn't a trend: It's the voice of the United States' growing bilingual population.</p>

<p>"When we first started, [being bilingual] was more like a need for expression," Lady P. said. "But as soon as we started playing live, we started to see an audience that was just like us, who grew up with both languages and goes back and forth between them."</p>


<p>There have been successful bilingual bands in the past — Ozomatli have been bringing audiences their unique combination of hip-hop/funk/Latin beats since the mid-'90s; roots rockers Los Lobos started performing in East L.A. in the late '70s; and there have been several Spanish-language or bilingual hits on the U.S. charts since the '50s (notably the late Ritchie Valens' "La Bamba," which became a hit again when Los Lobos covered it in '87). But there's no question that the number of musicians doing it has exploded in recent years.</p>

<p>Dominican-born DJ/producer Nova of the multi-genre outfit Pacha Massive, said, "The Latin community has been growing at such a rate that it's really easy to speak your language."</p>

<p>Pacha Massive bassist Maya, who was born in Colombia, agreed. "It's more socially acceptable to speak slang and Spanglish, and I think that's reflected in music. I mean, music is a reflection of how society is evolving and changing, and that's been something you can see quite clearly — that Latin culture has been socially more accepted in the United States and around the world, and more valued, I think."</p>

<p>As language and cultural barriers have broken down, so has the rigid structure of the music business: The growth of independent labels and the Internet has been a boon to niche artists.</p>


<p>Members of the Monterrey, Mexico, band Kinky said their bilingual fusion of rock and electronica encountered resistance from both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking quarters. "[With] purists of rock en español, if you don't fit with all the rules, you're just out of the picture," said singer Gilberto Cerezo. So a do-it-yourself attitude is key: "You need to use every window that is available for you."</p>

<p>These days, arguably the biggest such window is MySpace. Pacha Massive's Nova has made logging on a part of his morning ritual. "You have your cup of coffee and go to MySpace," he said. "You basically try to respond to as many people as possible and keep trying to make new friends." It's how the Bronx, New York-based group was able to attract fans from as far away as Argentina and Japan.</p>

<p>"[being bilingual] is a way of living, it's a way of thinking, and it's a way of being," Maya said. "And you can see that at the shows, because people are open and like, 'Wow, this is pretty cool.' "</p>



  Posted Mar 21, 2007 2:01 PM            </p>

<p> </p>"


Thanks guys!!!! :facewall:

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