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[SOLVED] getElementById() Not working in IE Why?? and NaN error


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I have the code below that calculates the totals of the selected / quantity of items in the cart. The code works fine on all browsers but for IE 6, 7 and partially works in 8. I get an Unknown runtime error, line 123, char 4, code 0. I do not understand why its is happening? I have checked and confirmed that variables that I pass to the function is correct! From the debugging that I did it seems that the problem is with outputResult?


The error I am getting in IE 8 is a Nan error Total function? Any ideas?


function itemTotal(phQuantity,saleOption,eKind,outputResult){
theSubTotal = phQuantity.value * saleOption;
theSubTotal = theSubTotal.toFixed(2); // round the subtotal 2 decimal points
// check if item has a checkbox
if(eKind == "checkbox"){
		document.getElementById(outputResult).innerHTML = "$"+theSubTotal;
		document.getElementById(outputResult+'-hidden').value = theSubTotal;
		document.getElementById(outputResult).innerHTML = " ";
		document.getElementById(outputResult+'-hidden').value = null;
	if(phQuantity.value >= 1){
		document.getElementById(outputResult).innerHTML = "$"+theSubTotal; ERROR HERE ON THIS LINE
		document.getElementById(outputResult+'-hidden').value = theSubTotal;

		document. getElementById(outputResult).innerHTML = " ";
		document.getElementById(outputResult+'-hidden').value = null;

var TotalValue;
function Total(field,fieldClass){
TotalValue = 0;
var thisField = field.elements;
for (var i = 0; i < thisField.length; i++){
	if (thisField[i].className == fieldClass){	
		if (thisField[i].value.length > 0){
			TotalValue += parseInt(thisField[i].value);
document.getElementById('frmTotal').innerHTML = "$"+TotalValue.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById('frmGst').innerHTML = "$"+(TotalValue*12.5/100).toFixed(2);
document.getElementById('frmTotalIncl').innerHTML = "$"+(TotalValue*12.5/100+TotalValue).toFixed(2);


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I am sorry itemResult() where is that in my function?


Sorry, typo. Where and how is itemTotal() called?


Hi that function is called on another php page. There is a lot of code to show if you wanna see the whole thing. That said I think this is what you are looking for


<input type="text" name="<? echo $phID ?>qty-<? echo $options['optionID']?>opt" id="<? echo $phID ?>qty" size="2" onkeyup ="itemTotal(this,'<? echo $options['optionPrice']?>','text','<? echo $phID ?>qty-<? echo $options[optionID]?>opt')" />


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Here's your problem. You need to change this:


<input type="text" name="<? echo $phID ?>qty-<? echo $options['optionID']?>opt" id="<? echo $phID ?>qty" size="2" onkeyup ="itemTotal(this,'<? echo $options['optionPrice']?>','text','<? echo $phID ?>qty-<? echo $options[optionID]?>opt')" />


to this:


<input type="text" name="<? echo $phID ?>qty-<? echo $options['optionID']?>opt" id="<? echo $phID ?>qty" size="2" onkeyup ="itemTotal("id="<?php echo $phID ?>qty",'<? echo $options['optionPrice']?>','text','<? echo $phID ?>qty-<? echo $options[optionID]?>opt')" />


Note that I used <?php and not <?. You shouldn't use short tags, so you should actually make all your short tags into full php tags.

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Ahh sorry, I was going off memory, and it turns out my memory was wrong. I thought that 'this' was supposed to be the ID that you were using for getElementById() in your javascript function, which will fail. But now that I look back at your original function, that wasn't the reference to the ID.


Can you show the HTML output of that code, rather than the PHP? Since it is javascript, the PHP is irrelevant.

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