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Apache or IIS+FastCGI - which is better on Vista?

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This is a pretty basic question, I just want to know which would work better as I am about to install PHP and MySQL on my personal computer for web design applications.


I know that Apache and PHP work very well together, however, I would think that on the other hand, IIS would work very well with Windows Vista and Microsoft Expression (my web design program).


So the question is... should I install Apache or IIS? I have done several searches and I cannot find any answers to this. I know that there probably aren't any definitive answers, but I would appreciate any opinions on the matter or anything you can offer.


Kindest regards,




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As far as speed benchmarks go, I'm not sure which would be faster.  If I had to guess, I would say Apache with PHP as a module would be faster.  (With PHP through FastCGI, there's essentially an extra step.)



You're likely to get biased answers here though since most people here (like me) prefer Apache.  I briefly used IIS with PHP (and still have it installed just the service disabled), but when it comes down to it, I find Apache easier to do more stuff with.  (mod_rewrite, mod_svn [or what ever the SVN thing is called] so on....)

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Thanks for your input, especially since you've had experience with both. Since you haven't had any major issues with either one, I'm happy to hear, I probably will go with Apache (I'm leaning that way). Thanks again.

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