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Two things happened when I loaded the site...1) Hey, this is a good idea. 2) Um....whoa look at it all.


I dunno WHY. XD I sort of felt like the colors, maybe detracted a little, and perhaps the gigantic ads that seemed to clutter the page for me.


Also, I don't see how religion relates to advertising someone's site, and I feel that religion just makes everyone testy...so when I saw that in the profiles I was like, "Hmmm...what if there's a Sunni and a Shi'ite?"  :P


But that's just me.

I agree, too much going on - mainly due to the adverts. Why if you have an 'effective' advertising service would you use Google's adwords? Doesn't look good on your service if you see what I mean?


I agree with Centanu about the colors, pale yellow and blue don't seem to wash well together. Also the fonts are little off putting; too much bold.


Looking at the source it's really messy. The opening HTML tag isn't until line 98, with lots of DIVs and scripts above it. There's no DOCTYPE. Obviously it doesn't validate. There's no compliance to it at all really.


I think it could be made a lot better with some wiser layout decisions and color choice, and by re-doing the (X)HTML.

Thank you friends,


I came to realize that... As more silly & crowded a site looks, as more people will register!


However, I am trying to make my website easy to use and understand anyway.


Ohh, to be honest, I dont care much about that validation service from w3.org. Is that wrong?


Because when I type famous sites like ebay.com or Google.com, I still get loads of errors there


In fact, my website gives me less errors compared to them famous sites

The box with the categorized breakdown of topics is good.


BUT then you have all the boxes and the categories are meshed together in a concoction of deadliness. There is no division between subjects, you have all the info about a thread in a single line which makes it confusing, and having multiple images on both sides of a topic confuses me.

Um what else...


...oh you've got odd topics, like the one titled "Do Me".  :sweat:

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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