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[SOLVED] Apache2.2 SSL, stuck


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Hi all,


I'm setting up a new webserver and I want to utilize SSL with it.  But I'm afraid I've gotten myself stuck.


I have already installed PHP5, Apache2.2/Mod_SSL, Open_SSL, MySQL5.1.

I have my certificates prepared and waiting.

I've configured my SSL_conf file.


The SSL config file has virtual server settings inside.

I set my SSL directory to be a different directory then my "htdocs"


So i have "htdocs" for 80 and "SSLdocs" for 443.


Now I have the SSL loadscript in my httpd_conf for apache set

and my apache logs indicate that apache is indeed listening on ports 80 and 443.


Apache starts NP. 


I can go to my browser type in http://mydomain.com and it brings up my site.

I do the same only httpS://mydomain.com  and it does nothing.


I checked my router logs and I am recieving the requests for HTTPS on port 443 and sending them to the server. My question is why does it seem like Apache is the one not picking them up?


My apache logs indicated access during HTTP connections but nothing gets put in the logs about HTTPS.


So I'm stuck here and I can't figure out what to do.


Thanks for you help all its very much appreciated.

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Can you go:


telnet server.ip 443


it should give you a black screen. No matter what certs you have, telnet should connect.




It gives me a blank cmd screen. So yes?

I also found an error with the port in my windows firewall. I accidently set the port to 433 instead of 443.


I can now make a connection to the server via "https:\\mydomain.com" but then I get a Forbidden 403 error.

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I actually got the SSL working... by put my "sslDocs" directory INSIDE my "htdocs" directory.


So the SSL bit is working to that end. The problem is that I don't want my SSLdocs directory in my htdocs directory. I want the SSLdocs and htdocs to be two seperate directories. So that you can only reach the SSLdocs directory via SSL and viceversa. Can this be done? Thanks again for all your help.

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Special thanks to Stephen from another forum for helping me out with this.


I wanted to share it here for anyone else that may be having this same issue.


My problem was fixed by adding the following to my http.conf file


<Directory "c:/Apache2.2/SSLdocs">
Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


And then just making sure to update the directory path in SSL.conf


DocumentRoot "C:/Apache2.2/SSLdocs"

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