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I have launched a website on the starting of this month and now getting much problems.. The server doesn't allow to send more than 500 mails per Hour.


I just wanted to notify the users as soon as someone send a message or interest or do request anything.. At present 500 limit is fine but I am thinking abt getting much users in future.


Can you suggest a web hosting which supports to send un limited mails using php mail function?


Also another is, please suggest a email marketing software to send bulk email invitations to users.. I have lakhs of email ids in text format..



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500 emails per hour.. more than that and your probably be blacklisted anyway, the mail() function isn't designed for mass mailing, I believe all good shared hosts would limit their mails (if not then their probably already blacklisted)


I find it interesting that you say


I just wanted to notify the users as soon as someone send a message or interest or do request anything..


Can you suggest a web hosting which supports to send un limited mails using php mail function?


and then

Also another is, please suggest a email marketing software to send bulk email invitations to users..


maybe look at PHPList

Facebook is not using low-end shared web hosting. They have dedicated servers and probably lease most or all of several different data centers. You cannot compare what Facebook is doing with what is available on low-end hosting accounts.

I'll answer that with a question,


Do facebook use a shared server ?


The very fact your asking what Host provider give unlimited mail-outs, suggests you don't want to pay for a dedicated server, speaking of dedicated, facebook use dedicated server just for email facebookmail.com, and follow some strict standards for their emails out, this isn't just using the mail() as to apply to the standards relaying must be off, which means the mailer requires authentication, and considering mail() doesn't support ssl or mail authentication its a pretty safe bet they don't use mail() oh and the mail factory facebook uses is called ZuckMail named after the developer of facebook Mark Zuckerberg,


Of course they have more than one mail server but the mail servers are just that mail servers and that's their primary function, facebook also have MySQL server and lets not forget the web-servers.

in total Facebook is currently running over 10,000 servers, that includes including around 1,800 MySQL

I'll love to know how many MySQL servers Google is using.


back on topic,

try PHPList or if you have some budget you can get mail servers like what sendblaster uses, of course you could wait until the site grows and then expand to a dedicated server

I think your right and wrong, about the mailing of face book in general.


Face book of course got hundreds of mailing servers and used for there part of the web site to mail who ever at ever time and ye it grows daily.


but also you got to remember also each time you accept a application on face book, your now using the application craters server to mail you.


so in genral there hundreds and even thousands server all joined to face book now.




very true, users data is seen as an object, so the facebook users can choose if the third party apps can use that info, from the facebooks security settings.



I thought that you were saying users can choose to expose their email addresses to third party apps?

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