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Page numbering


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This script returns info from my database and limits it to a certain amount of items per page, then it adds links to view more pages etc.. also know as pagition.


My problem is that i have an error.


Error: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/monk3h/public_html/WMM/minishop/page.php on line 36


Line 36:

while($line = mysql_fetch_array( $qresult ))





Full code:


<?php include ("config.php");

$pages=$_GET['page']; //Get the current page

// This the full code which will generate a paging system

$limit=2; // Limit of result per page

$qresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items");  // Let's get the query


    $nrResults=mysql_num_rows($qresult); // Count the results


    if (($nrResults%$limit)<>0) {

        $pmax=floor($nrResults/$limit)+1;  // Divide to total result by the number of query you want

// to display per page($limit) and create a Max page

    } else {



    $qresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items DESC LIMIT ".(($_GET["page"]-1)*$limit).", $limit"); 

//Need to generate query considering your limit

    while($line = mysql_fetch_array( $qresult ))               // LINE 36 #######################


// Now once we got the query from MySQL, we need to think what we to do it. You can do anything. This is just an example

echo "

Name: ".$line['id']." <br />

Age: ".$line['name']." <br />

Phone Number: ".$line['image']." <br />


// Here comes the Real part of this Tutorial!!


}                 echo "<div class='navpage'>"; // Make a simple css

// We need to create a Previous page, so we need $pages to be bigger than 1, otherwise at the first page we would get a 0. 

//For the previous to show up we need at least to be at the second page.

    if($pages > 1) {

$prevp="<a href='http://www.riseofkingdoms.net/WMM/minishop/page.php?page=".($pages-1)."' title='Previous Page'>Previous Page</a>"; } else {echo "";}    

echo $prevp; 

// Here We want create a page from the results we got by dividing the total by the the limit. So let say you got

//45 results and you want 5 results per page; these simple lines will create you 8 pages.


                                while ($pid<=$pmax) { 

$paging= "<a href='http://www.riseofkingdoms.net/WMM/minishop/page.php?page=$pid' title='Page $pid of $pmax'> $pid</a>";

//So here, let say we are at the 3rd page and we want the 3 to be blank so the user can know where is he now.

//This will act as Current Page! We need to replace the url by a text

$newpaging=str_replace("<a href='http://www.riseofkingdoms.net/WMM/minishop/page.php?page=$pages' title='Page $pages of $pmax'> $pages</a>", "<span>$pages</span>", $paging);

echo $newpaging;


                                $pid++;  // create pages until reach the result



//We want to create a next page and a last page, $pages have to be less than $pmax.

    if($pages < $pmax) {

$nextp="<a href='http://www.riseofkingdoms.net/WMM/minishop/page.php?page=".($pages+1)."' title='Next Page'>Next Page</a>"; } else {echo "";}    

echo $nextp;

echo  "<a href='http://www.riseofkingdoms.net/WMM/minishop/page.php?page=$pmax' title='Last Page'>Last Page</a>";

echo "</div>";




Thanks in advance. :)

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should be:




Totally didn't even see that...  If you want to order in descending order then you need to keep that clause in there but specify what to order by.


ORDER BY [column_name] DESC LIMIT

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