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PHP Variable show for only XX amount of time then doesnt show?


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IS this possible if so can somone please lead me in the right direction? ok here..


If bla bla XX....


$show = "*NEW USERS";



then i echo $show..


then i wait like let's say 20minutes then $show doesn't work anymore


Possible? Thanks i really need something like this!!

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No idea how this would be done but  its kinda worded wierd so i might be missing what you want.


Im picturing a display that shows all  new records that have been created in the last 20 mins and  if the timestamp on the record is > then 20 mins it doesnt display?


No lol my bad my english not good im young..



I make a variable called $rofl


and i want it to be echo'd only for 5minutes then after 5minutes is gone up don't show/echo $rofl


u get? lo

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HTTP is static. Once you have requested a url the output is sent to the browser. The output can only change once the page is requested again (i.e user clicks refresh). An option is to poll the server via an AJAX request however I fail to see why a user would stay on the same web page for a period of 5 minutes.

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HTTP is static. Once you have requested a url the output is sent to the browser. The output can only change once the page is requested again (i.e user clicks refresh). An option is to poll the server via an AJAX request however I fail to see why a user would stay on the same web page for a period of 5 minutes.


Well on my forums when i have 200 people online and I Create a Topic or something i would want it to say *NEW TOPIC or something to get there attention... and then i would want the echo'd $variable to go away after xx amount of seconds.. too abd I have no idea on how to do this, if some smart php person can write up a simple script for me i'd me then happy to say thank u.. :)

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If you have a page that is being output then while building that page you just pick up the date / time of the latest topic and display your message if it is within the last 5 minutes.


All the best




Ok sweet, well im going to do this with you ok..

First, it will be if time (500) that's 6 minutes...

$variable ="";

? ? ?  Please help me out

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Were not here to write code for people.


Think about your problem logically, break it into smaller pieces and code a solution.


Hey I already started and im trying my best....


I just need simple answers, you have the answer u want  to giv me to me in your brain u just decided not to tell me and post that response? u think im that dumb? lol


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u think im that dumb?


No, just lazy and unwilling to think for yourself.


Good luck.


your right, lol :)


sorry dood im just really excited that i get to learn php..i guess your 18k posts just doesn't fit u all, why not post that  1more thing that will help me? maybe u will have 19k faster then u think ~~ lolol

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sorry dood im just really excited that i get to learn php


Learning to program means learning to think logically. If you can't think a problem through yourself from point a - point b - point x, it doesn't matter how much syntax you know, you can't program.


i guess your 18k posts just doesn't fit u all, why not post that  1more thing that will help me?


Not really sure what your trying to get at there, but I didn't get 18,000+ posts asking questions. Ive helped quite a few people around here.

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I dont think i have actually ever seen you ask a question, Not saying you haven't but you are the THE MAN ! on here litrully lol :),


What this guy says you should really pay attention to he knows what hes doing,



Doesn't matter how much you suck up to people too, you will never be as a good as them.


Same logic as Thorne said? looks like im just as smart already!  :wtf:

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I dont think i have actually ever seen you ask a question, Not saying you haven't but you are the THE MAN ! on here litrully lol :),


What this guy says you should really pay attention to he knows what hes doing,



Doesn't matter how much you suck up to people too, you will never be as a good as them.


Same logic as Thorne said? looks like im just as smart already!  :wtf:


Agreed, But i think you need to re-define your definition of 'Suck Up' as that was not a suck up it was a complement and a way of telling you that you ask for help so appreciate what people give you that dont have to waste there time on you.


No one can question your intelligence as no one here knows you but i highly doubt that you are.



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I dont think i have actually ever seen you ask a question, Not saying you haven't but you are the THE MAN ! on here litrully lol :),


What this guy says you should really pay attention to he knows what hes doing,



Doesn't matter how much you suck up to people too, you will never be as a good as them.


Same logic as Thorne said? looks like im just as smart already!  :wtf:


Agreed, But i think you need to re-define your definition of 'Suck Up' as that was not a suck up it was a complement and a way of telling you that you ask for help so appreciate what people give you that dont have to waste there time on you.


No one can question your intelligence as no one here knows you but i highly doubt that you are.




I was being starcastic man.. I play baseball, i thro 90mph imm here for fun..


Anyway let's get back on subject.. could u please guys help me on this script? lol Thanks ~

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Ok, and pretty inpressive dude :),


Ok about the subject lol,


Maybe sessions would help you i wouldnt use it permantly but as a band aid as such eg.


<?php session_start();

// this bit you will have to do but time() + 20(mins) == $time //

$_SESSION['timelimit'] = $time;

if($_SESSION['timelimit'] == time()) {

} else {





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Ok, and pretty inpressive dude :),


Ok about the subject lol,


Maybe sessions would help you i wouldnt use it permantly but as a band aid as such eg.


<?php session_start();

// this bit you will have to do but time() + 20(mins) == $time //

$_SESSION['timelimit'] = $time;

if($_SESSION['timelimit'] == time()) {

} else {






Ok sweet,  i guess i'll hav to use that now.. see man that's all i wanted... thanks.. btw u2 rocks.. since i saw ur avatar time for me to watch some yt vid's of em..  lol

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