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Another server config problem; I think.


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Not so long ago I did a CMS for a large website. When the client creates/edits a page, he or she can upload file attachments with it. These are usually PDF files or .doc files. Their hosting is on a Windows server. Whenever they try to upload certain PDF Files, my code tells them that it's not a valid filetype. So, I got them to send me the PDFs via email. I checked their mimetype and sure enough they were application/pdf. I then attempted to upload them with my local copy of the CMS and it worked. They were only a few hundred KB in size, so I'm guessing that size wasn't the problem. In the CMS DB, there is a table that contains the rows of accepted filetypes. When they upload a file, my code checks that table to see if the mime type of the file matches up with a mime type in the table. The function that checks this is in my file class:


protected function get_extension($filetype){
        $filetype = $this->db->clean($filetype);
        $res = $this->db->get_row("SELECT filetype_id, extension FROM filetype WHERE mime_type = '$filetype'");
            return false;
            return $res;


$db->get_row() returns false if it couldn't find a single unique row. If that single unique rows exists, it returns an array.


Oh, and yes, they have successfully uploaded PDFs using that code before.

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Is your code checking for upload errors $_FILES[$fieldname]['error'] prior to that point so that you know that $filetype even has anything in it?


Real applications should log (see error_log) information about things that fail (and even for some things what work, like who logged in when or what search terms are being used...) so that you have a record of problems and can find and fix them. At the point that the query returns an unexpected value you should log all the available who, what (what does $filetype actually contain), when, where, and why (is $res a FALSE value, meaning the query failed to execute at all or is it a result resource with zero rows in it, meaning the query executed but matched zero rows) information and you should also display the $_FILES[$fieldname]['type'] value that failed in the user error message.

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Hi, I have this in my code too:


if($_FILES[$fieldname]['error'] != 0){
			$error = $_FILES[$fieldname]['error'];

			if($error == 1){
				$this->error->add("Server problem: The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive set by the hosting company.");
				return false;
			if($error == 2){
				$this->error->add("The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.");
				return false;
			if($error == 3){
				$this->error->add("Server/Connection problem: The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.");
				return false;
			if($error == 6){
				$this->error->add("Server problem: No temporary upload folder was found.");
				return false;
			if($error == 7){
				$this->error->add("Server problem: Could not write to disk.");
				return false;


I tried it; but still end up getting a message about how the file isn't the right type:


			$this->error->add("The filetype under the title <strong>".$this->db->output($title)."</strong> has not been recognised and has therefore not been added to the page that you just created.");
			return false;

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$_FILES[$fieldname]['type'] is a client set variable, not a server one.  This may have different capitalization or have other slight variations depending on the client computer, which would explain the behavior you're seeing.


Why not just filter by extension?

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Different browsers, the same browser on different operating systems, and probably different versions of the same browser will provide different mime types for the same identical file.


Nothing I have seen so far in this thread indicates what actual value is being received when the customer tries this. For all we know the customer is not actually selecting a file, but is just submitting an empty form or that the HTML of the form is invalid and it uploads a file in one browser but not another. Until you display and/or log what value is actually being put into the query that is failing to indicate a match with something in the database, you will never find out why it is failing.


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Figured out the problem. Basically, my $db->get_row() function returns an array if one row is found. It returns false if no rows are found OR if more than one row was found. I or somebody else must have ran the setup file twice by accident, meaning that two of every mime type existed inside the db. Should have really put a unique index on the mime_type column but I remember that at the time, I chose not too because my setup file would be inserting these file types manually and performance wouldn't be such an issue with a table so small. I tried using fileinfo(), but their server doesn't have support for it installed. So I got the file's extension instead and worked from there. It was only after I had changed the script to get the extension of the file that I figured out what was wrong. Interesting thing about $_FILES['name']['type'] though. I honestly never knew that.

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