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[SOLVED] Echos out Row Name Not Value.


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Hello I'm working on my own site with user pages, right now I'm working on descriptions for each user.

$te = "SELECT 'desc' FROM `front_user` "

."WHERE `id`='".$_GET["id"]."'




$le = mysql_query($te);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($le)) {

    echo $row["desc"];


That only prints out "desc", I want it to print out the value of "desc". Such a user id as 22 and his description is "hello" I want it to print hello. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

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I am not COMPLETELY sure.. but I'd guess that because you're selecting 'desc' instead of desc or `desc` you're selecting a string rather than a field.. either that or that user's description is 'desc' because I read somewhere mysql supports single quotes but that again is not really solid information from me :) try removing the ' ' around desc in the select clause

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Or since you should in general avoid using reserved keywords as column names -


desc is a reserved keyword and should not be used as a column name. If you do use it as a column name it requires special handling everywhere you use it. In mysql, you can use the back-tick ` to force reserved keywords and other things that are not normally permitted as column names to be used. Since the back-tick is mysql specific, it should not be used if you intend your code to be usable on a different sql server.

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Changed the name to des. Still prints out nothing...

Here is the whole code.



include "dbconfig.php";

if ($_GET["id"])



$q = "SELECT * FROM `front_user` "

."WHERE `id`='".$_GET["id"]."' ";

$r = mysql_query($q);


if ( $obj = @mysql_fetch_object($r) )


$te = "SELECT `des` FROM `front_user` "

."WHERE `id`='".$_GET["id"]."'



$le = mysql_query($te);

    echo $row[des];




        echo "Error: ID doesn't exist.";






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Well, you removed the line of code that is fetching a row from the result set -


while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($le)) {


Are you learning php, developing php code, and debugging php code on a system with error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON in your php.ini to get php to help you? There would have been an error about $row being undefined that would have helped you possibly troubleshoot your code yourself.


Also, why are executing one query to retrieve all the columns (the *) in any matching rows, then if that query finds a row, execute a query again to retrieve only the des column, when the first query, when it succeeds has already retrieved the des column along with all the other columns?


Remove the @ from in front of mysql_fetch_object($r). That just hides errors that would help you find out why your code is not working. And to find if a SELECT query worked or not you use an if() test to see if it returned a FALSE value or a result resource. And to find how many rows a SELECT query returned, you use mysql_num_rows() (after you have determined that the query worked.)

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