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Hey guys and gals,


Didn't come here with this intention, but thought it was a good idea when I saw this section.


What do you guys think of my website? There are sections I have not yet implemented, such as the services, but I'm getting to that soon.






edit : Thought I'd add that most of the content is pulled from a database, including the galleries.

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It's a good design, but it could do with some improvements.


For example, on the main page...

- Remove the bottom left square, as it looks unprofessional and it would look better with just text there



- Make a link clickable to the home page at the top of the page, as it's all the way down the bottom (you can still have the one at the bottom and a 'back to top' link.

- Maybe remove those white backgrounds from the individual gallery entries, make the text a little darker. Move the title so it is on the left (where the 'posted on...' is)

- Move the 'posted on...' to the bottom left of the entry, and make a link to view the gallery (same as the link on the pictures) on the right of it.


In general...

- One word...typoghraphy. I looked at your CSS and all I found was 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'. Mix it up a little. Use a different font for headings instead on making them just italic

- You could also make the footer of the page like your header...but upside down, and without the logo and the grey bit. Just the dark grey bit and the red buttons on top, to jazz it up a bit.

- Alignment. As you are using a light design, look up grids. They are handy in light designs and can help the functionality and user experience of your site.

- The validation of the site.


This is a good design, but it could be made into a better design.


Hope this has helped.

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okay lets start:


1) it looks pretty good and i liked the feel

2)the text in the links are slightly difficult to read not a big issue for me but might be for someone else

3)the red square in the bottom left is unnecessary and take away from the site

And lastly the load time was kind of slow and would be impossible on dial up


all together it looks nice, the purpose is clear and the feel is good with just a couple minor issues

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Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate it. Funny you guys both mentioned the red square at the bottom, I never felt so great about it, and it actually wasn't part of the original design. Hearing it from two people definitely proves the point, it needs to go.


I can't figure out why the site loads so slow. It has been that way since before I even put in the flag animation, (which I wish I could make smaller, but it took me a week just to figured out how to make it in flash).


Thanks guys!

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I can't figure out why the site loads so slow. It has been that way since before I even put in the flag animation, (which I wish I could make smaller, but it took me a week just to figured out how to make it in flash).

That flash movie is 1.4mb!!!!

You really do need to sort that out, there is no way it needs to be anything like that in size.

If you can't make it any smaller (sizewize) I would really consider it's value in the page - ie is the aesthetic value worth the loadtime.


Other than that it is a nice looking design though I must agree that the text (within the graphics) is quite hard to read.  Also, shame you have made it with tables rather than layers, but that is another debate ;)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Two things:

1 - I like the site a lot. The navigation is consistent and the design is interesting and clean.

2 - Good to see some Audi's/VWs on there :). If I'm ever near Montreal I'll stop in. I'll show my friend this site too. I think he'd like it and goes to Quebec more than me.

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It is a nice, clear design as others have mentioned. One thing I picked up however which was quite frustrating was if I clicked a picture in the gallery (http://www.agtronicmotorsport.com/gallery.php?action=view&gallery=18257fb65dabde60 to be exact) and then used my mouse wheel to scroll up/down the page, it cycled through the images instead unless I clicked a blank area of page again. Just a small point but thought it was worth mentioning  :P

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