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Ever do your family tree?


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I've been messin around with my family tree for .. I don't know how long.  For some reason it always interested me.  I used to ask my papa (my grandpa) questions about who his aunts and uncles and grandparents were all the time when I was younger (now he's gone and I only have his sister to ask).  And would write it down too.  I would have an entire notebook it seemed (at the time) of who married who and who their kids were and so forth.


I just recently discovered (in the last year or so) ancestry.com.  It's almost as if they're capitalizing on this past time...actually in fact they are.  There is no 'as if'.


But that's not the point or anything nor am I making any point.  I'm just bringin upon this topic of "Ever do your family tree?"  I spent the entire day tracking down relatives from one single person all the way to the 17th century.  Not only today, but at least 5 months ago I did the exact same thing and landed on the exact same century.  I constantly get stuck on the same century.  No matter how much I google, no matter how many "Ancestry.com" leaves I click on, I end up in 17th century Europe.


What the hell is up with this century.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Not that I want to base an entire topic on this question, but just to get this started ya know.  I have found out so far....just by a few googles for relatives...that apparently....this was the time everyone wanted to get to America. (please note that I'm no history person by any means whatsoever.  You could cut me up on everything history related)  People would have children, name them all the exact same name(s) move to America.  Change their last names to something homophonic.


Nevertheless though, I still can't get past...or before the 17th century.

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if there's any truth to some of the stories my great grandfather used to tell, then I'm a distant relative to some historically well known royal families.


Well, I'm no history fanatic ... by any means at all, my dad and brother are though.  But they make me watch all of these historical movies about Queen Victoria and Elizabeth and Henry the 8th and etc etc... and I've come to realize that


All the world is related.  maybe not blood related, but at some point in time "The Queen" whoever it was...or "The King" was pretty much just a grandpa or great grandfather or great descendant to all of the historical....stuff.  I don't know your great grandfather or anything or if whatever he said was worth his weight in salt, but if he says you're related to royalty...you'd be surprised how much time you'd waste just figuring that shit out.  Your grandparents only live so long.


I've seen a few a these historical films and it's just as I say.  One grandmother ruled for not miles, but...countries.  She had kids until she popped/died.  Those kids had kids and those cousins had kids and those cousins killed ...... their own cousins..


If you weren't royalty, then you were one of the ones trying to get the fuck out of there....and change your name.. like a person in today's time trying to flee the cops.

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