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[SOLVED] Undefined index


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I am using a switch statement on my my site but when i declare the variable "action" to use with the switch statement and use the $_GET method to retrieve it.


Heres my error

Notice: Undefined index: action in /Users/GamingFusion/Documents/Theatre311/config.php on line 49


Heres my code

$action = secure($_GET['action']);


secure(); is a function i made


whats wrong? if you need anymore info or code i will post it.

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You're getting this because there is no index of action in the super-global $_GET. More specifically, there is no 'action' variable defined in your query string.


file.php // Error

file.php?action=something // No error


Edit: Solution: Check to make sure it's set before assigning that value to $action"


     $action = secure($_GET['action']);

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If you have a variable that optionally might or might not exist at the time your code is executed, you need to use isset() to test if it does exist. It is common to use code like the following to give such an optional variable the actual value or a default value so your code will behave in a predictable manor when the variable does not exist -


$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? secure($_GET['action']) : ''; // pick a default value (and empty string in this example) that makes sense in your application

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ok thanks guys for the replys. I ahve been going through the script because it was working before thing is messed up

on everypage i get these errors


Notice: Undefined index: dldesc in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 58


Notice: Undefined index: username in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 62


Notice: Undefined index: password in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 63


Notice: Use of undefined constant guest - assumed 'guest' in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 91


Notice: Use of undefined constant guest - assumed 'guest' in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 92


Notice: Undefined index: action in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 99


Notice: Undefined index: sa in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 100


Notice: Undefined index: ssa in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/config.php on line 101


Notice: Undefined index: action in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/index.php on line 27


and for the login page for example

Notice: Use of undefined constant text - assumed 'text' in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/login.php on line 22


Notice: Use of undefined constant username - assumed 'username' in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/login.php on line 22


Notice: Use of undefined constant password - assumed 'password' in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/login.php on line 23


Notice: Use of undefined constant password - assumed 'password' in /Users/GamingFusion/Desktop/Isus 2.0/login.php on line 23


and i havent changed a thing but the one online works fine



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It's because you have different configurations in your php.ini files, one to probably hide all the warning/notices and the other to show all. Undefined index is when you try to call a value from an array, who's key does not exist in the array.


$array = array('hi' => 'hello', 'test' => 'testing', 'foo' => 'bar');
echo $array['foo']; // works, because foo is a valid key
echo $array['joebob']; // will throw a notice, because we never defined the key 'joebob'
echo $array['hi']; // works, again because we defined it.


As for: Notice: Use of undefined constant, its when you don't use quotes around the key/index name. Without the quotes its considered a constant, and PHP then looks for the constant, and when it doesn't find it, it is smart enough to realize you meant it with quotes.


See this example below, the first is correct, the second looks for a constant named foo first.

$array = array('hi' => 'hello', 'test' => 'testing', 'foo' => 'bar');
echo $array['foo']; // right
echo $array[foo]; // wrong

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