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Change from XAMPP to WAMPP -> Problems with PHP Scripts


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I just changed from an XAMPP installation to WAMPP.  My PHP scripts were working perfectly, but now they aren't.


I get a number of undefined constant errors:


Notice: Use of undefined constant EntityID - assumed 'EntityID' in C:\WebServer\www\PollingCenter\SearchResults.php on line 145

Notice: Use of undefined constant CustomerName - assumed 'CustomerName' in C:\WebServer\www\PollingCenter\SearchResults.php on line 145


An example that is throwing the error is:


$EntityID = @$_GET['EntityID'] ;
$CustomerName = str_replace("'", "", (@$_GET['CustomerName'])) ;
$ProductLine = @$_GET['ProductLine'] ;
$ProductVersion = @$_GET['ProductVersion'] ;

$SearchEntityID = trim($EntityID);
$SearchCustomerName = trim($CustomerName);
$SearchProductLine = trim($ProductLine);
$SearchProductVersion = trim($ProductVersion);


$query = "SELECT ed.EntityID, ed.CustomerName, ed.IsActive, pd.ProductLine, pd.ProductVersion ";
$query .= "(SELECT ProductLine, ProductVersion, EntityID, PollingID FROM POLLING_DATA) pd ";
$query .= "ON ed.EntityID = pd.EntityID ";
$query .= "WHERE pd.PollingID = (SELECT max(pollingID) FROM POLLING_DATA WHERE EntityID = ed.EntityID) ";
$query .= "AND ed.IsActive = '1' ";

IF ($SearchEntityID != "" ) {
  $query .= "AND pd.EntityID LIKE '%".$SearchEntityID."%' ";
IF ($SearchCustomerName != "" ) {
  $query .= "AND ed.CustomerName LIKE '%".$SearchCustomerName."%' ";
IF ($SearchProductLine != "" ) {
  $query .= "AND pd.ProductLine LIKE '%".$SearchProductLine."%' ";
IF ($SearchProductVersion != "" ) {
  $query .= "AND pd.ProductVersion LIKE '%".$SearchProductVersion."%' ";


//display the results

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

  echo '<tr>';
  echo '<td><a href="SiteDetails.php?SiteID=' . $row[EntityID] . '">'. $row[CustomerName] . '</a></td>';
  echo '<td>' . $row[ProductLine] . '</td>';
  echo '<td>' . $row[ProductVersion] . '</td>';
  echo '</tr>';


Is there a global setting in PHP that might be affecting this?  I have tried multiple versions of PHP (5.3.0, 5.2.11, and 5.2.9-2) with no effect.


Thanks for any help!


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If you considered your code to be running perfectly before, then good news it's still running just as perfectly. By default XAMPP has error messaging set to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, which means show all error messages but not notices. I imagine that the default setting in WAMP must be set to E_ALL. Meaning show me everything.


Generally speaking you get undefined constant if you have a line like


$EntityID = $_GET[EntityID] ;


Because the key isn't enclosed in quotation marks it assumes its a constant not a sting, upon realising it's not a constant it uses a string with the value of the constant name. Obviously in your situation your getting when you do have the string. I can only assume this is something todo with the @ sign which surpresses errors. Normally on the line of code you have  you'd expect to see...


Notice: Undifined index


Anyway, you can either ignore the notices as that's what you were doing before, or you can go through sorting them out, it's up to you.


EDIT: Never read your code carefully enough, it's the code further down throwing that error, ignore the stuff about the @ sign.

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Yeah, as cags said, it's of course up to you, but I strongly suggest that you fix it.



Notices are there for a reason, and generally you should try to straighten them all out.  In this case, there are two main pittfalls:


Performance.  It's a slight performance hit every time a notice is thrown.

Later on if a constant is defined as one of those then your code will break.

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