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Today I was bored and made a word search solver. I felt really proud of myself, but none of my friends are online to share it with :). So I thought you guys might like it. Here is the link:




Here is a sample for you to input:


U E I H U U A W G Z C W S R E 
Q R W K Q X Y E W X Y L I R K 
Y D S J B B J J J N H C E N D 
Y N C U C F V I P J P V Z U U 
Y U E O A P A M G G C F J I D 
P H P T E S F O C R V T X T V 
G V R V C O E I C O V N Y U S 
M F R A R V A Q N O O G S H L 
D R A U U V R O Y I K L W X F 
X E M F P A T X A R R W E D M 
X A L T T W N C L Y U U D S W 
J K F E U S C E F N A T Q C T 
T S J X D E Q N H E T E I A F 
W P U R T K P H P F R E A K S 
E G V Y L Z J K X K Z F A R M 





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  • Wrong forum.
  • Where's the fun if you don't show us the source code?


Also, when I enter




and searches for te, the vertical match isn't found.


That's strange, I just tested your example and it worked. Also, here is the source:


if ( $_POST['puzzle'] && $_POST['words'] ) {
$words = explode("\n", str_replace(" ", "", trim($_POST['words'])));
$letter_rows = explode("\n", str_replace(" ", "", trim($_POST['puzzle'])));

$letters = array();

foreach ( $words as $word_index => $word ) {
	$words[$word_index] = strtolower(trim($word));

$row_index = 0;
foreach ( $letter_rows as $letter_row ) {
	$letter_row = strtolower(trim($letter_row));
	for ( $n = 0; $n < strlen($letter_row); $n++ ) {
		$letters[$row_index][] = substr($letter_row, $n, 1);

$width = count($letters[0]);
$height = count($letters);

$highlight = array();
$temphighlight = array();
$newletters = array();

$angles = array(
	0 => array(
		'x' => -1,
		'y' => -1
	1 => array(
		'x' => 0,
		'y' => -1
	2 => array(
		'x' => 1,
		'y' => -1
	3 => array(
		'x' => -1,
		'y' => 0
	4 => array(
		'x' => 1,
		'y' => 0
	5 => array(
		'x' => -1,
		'y' => 1
	6 => array(
		'x' => 0,
		'y' => 1
	7 => array(
		'x' => 1,
		'y' => 1

foreach ( $letters as $row_index => $letter_row ) {
	foreach ( $letter_row as $letter_index => $letter ) {
		$newletters[$row_index][$letter_index] = '>' . $letters[$row_index][$letter_index];
		foreach ( $words as $word_index => $word ) {
			foreach ( $angles as $index_add_index => $index_add ) {
				$found_index = 0;
				$temphighlight = array();
				for ( $n = 0; $n < strlen($word); $n++ ) {
					if ( substr($word, $n, 1) == $letters[($index_add['y'] * $n) + $row_index][($index_add['x'] * $n) + $letter_index] ) {

						$temphighlight[$n]['y'] = ($index_add['y'] * $n) + $row_index;
						$temphighlight[$n]['x'] = ($index_add['x'] * $n) + $letter_index;

						if ( strlen($word) == $found_index ) {
							//echo 'Word "' . $word . '" Found At Angle ' . $index_add_index . "<br />";
							$highlight[] = $temphighlight;
							break 1;
					} else {
						break 1;

foreach ( $highlight as $word ) {
	foreach ( $word as $coord ) {
		$newletters[$coord['y']][$coord['x']] = ' style="background-color: red;">' . $letters[$coord['y']][$coord['x']];

echo '<table>';
foreach ( $newletters as $row ) {
	echo '<tr>';	
	foreach ( $row as $letter ) {
		echo '<td';
		echo $letter;
		echo '</td>';
	echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';



Give it a rest, he made something out of boredom, I imagine he cares less about XssMe warnings. Maybe find a different hobby? -- gotta be something you like to other than running Firefox plugins against random sites and colouring text. Wait, colouring, now there's an idea! I'm sure you can put that talent to better use.

Give it a rest, he made something out of boredom, I imagine he cares less about XssMe warnings. Maybe find a different hobby? -- gotta be something you like to other than running Firefox plugins against random sites and colouring text. Wait, colouring, now there's an idea! I'm sure you can put that talent to better use.



The word search solver is awesome - I suck at word searches, and one of my teachers actually grades them ;-;. Thanks.


Give it a rest, he made something out of boredom, I imagine he cares less about XssMe warnings. Maybe find a different hobby? -- gotta be something you like to other than running Firefox plugins against random sites and colouring text. Wait, colouring, now there's an idea! I'm sure you can put that talent to better use.

Ooh, rage.

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