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[SOLVED] SQL, checker, update or insert


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So grabs a myspace image, then cleans the url a little more. Then supposed to check if the "ID" exists already then if it doesnt exist its supposed to insert. Not working though, Tried many ways to update then insert if doesnt exist etc.

$db_database = "dbtable";
$db_host = "localhost"; 
$db_user = "username"; 
$db_pass = "password";

	mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) 
		or die ("Unable to connect to database.");
		or die ("Unable to select database.");

		$loginid = $_POST['id'];
		if($fp = fopen("http://www.myspace.com/$loginid", 'r')) {
			while (!feof($fp)) {
				$info .= fread($fp, 8192);
preg_match('/src="(.*)images.myspacecdn.com(.*)(jpg|png|gif|bmp)"/', $info, $image);
$table = $image[0];
preg_match('/"(.*)images.myspacecdn.com(.*)(jpg|png|gif|bmp)"/', $table, $image2);
$table2 = $image2[0];
$ctime = Time();
if ($table2 != '') {
echo $table2;
      $sql = "SELECT myid FROM addtrain WHERE myid=\"$loginid\"";
$query = mysql_query($sql);

if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
$insert = "UPDATE `addtrain` SET `time` = '".$ctime."' WHERE `myid` = '".$loginid."'";
mysql_query($insert)   or die(mysql_error());
        $insert2 = "INSERT INTO addtrain(myid, time, imgurl, etc) VALUES (".$_POST['id'].", ".$ctime.", ".$table2.", 0)"; 
mysql_query($insert2) or die(mysql_error());




This little codes been working on and off, but sometimes it wont update, sometimes it doesnt insert. I do not know what to try now. :( Any help would be great.

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i'd say your culprit is your preg_matches.  You are using a greedy dot matches, so more than likely you are matching a whole lot more than you are wanting to match, probably including random quotes, which would cause your query to mess up.  They can be written much better, but at the very least, change all your (.*) to (.*?)

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I just have it assigned at the top of the page $loginid = $_POST['id'] ,

maybe need to  do something like this,

if ($_POST['Submit']=='Login')








This is HTML form im using if any help.


<form method="post" name="Grab" action="test2.php">

<input type="text" name="id" value="Myspace ID" size="20">

<input type="submit" value="Join Train!">


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It would actually require less processing than what you're using right now. Something like the following (untested of course), as long as myid is an unique key column:

$sql = "INSERT INTO addtrain(myid, time, imgurl, etc) VALUES ('".$_POST['id']."', '".$ctime."', '".$table2."', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time = '".$ctime."'";


And you should properly sanitize your inputs (the above query is not sanitized.)

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The $sql code is executed and everything is storing nicely, but still duplicate fields of $_POST['id'], its inserting multiple of same still. The myid is supposed to be unique and in only 1 allowed. But, it allows the same. I can get 1 to work UPDATE, or the other INSERT, but cant UPDATE, if 0 affected INSERT or something?

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Does column 'myid' have a unique property (check in PhpMyAdmin, or the like) & when you echo out $sql - does it show everything correctly?

How to set unique property using, phpmyadmin in cpanel etc. Ill check phpmyadmin see if its easy to find unique property. But my $sql result is.

INSERT INTO addtrain(myid, time, imgurl, etc) VALUES ('470122370', '1254789292', '"http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/88/m_bdffe541246e42f8b9ef00c84c97be3f.jpg"', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time = '1254789292'






found unique stuff, but cant since duplicates. Need to run a query to delete duplicates i guess

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How would i go about deleting duplicates?


*UPDATE* I think i could do this query in a delete.php file






Then when it detects problem the output should be this format below. Just preg_match the numbers

and form a delete query with it and execute?


MySQL said: Documentation

#1062 - Duplicate entry '467764824' for key 'myid'

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Returns with value 1 now. This what I have. Query was output correctly the above way, but cant

preg_match the numbers outputed, nothings being outputed.

$sql = "ALTER IGNORE TABLE `addtrain` ADD UNIQUE (`myid`)";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
echo $query;

preg_match('/[0-9]{4,14}/', $query, $myid);
$numb = $myid[0];
echo $numb ;

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Perfect mate, thanks for all the help, everything is in line only thing im stuck on. I want to check

$_POST['id'] if it is numbers or letters. I dont want people using their myspace "Name" example: www.myspace.com/ashtons but their numbers myspace.com/12893733 I got something like this,

Should I preg_match $loginid to see if it fits? $loginidpr can be the preg_match'd # if it went correctly etc

if ($table2 != '' && $loginidpr == $loginid) {


$sql = "INSERT INTO addtrain(myid, time, imgurl, etc) VALUES ('".$_POST['id']."', '".$ctime."', '".$table2."', 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE time = '".$ctime."'";

$query = mysql_query($sql);

echo $sql;



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