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Dynno.net need critique


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The site is OK, but has sort of plain/generic feel. Because I don't use Twitter, my opinion is based purely on design, and I'd probably browse around css design template sites to get some inspiration, and make the design more inviting. Also, it doesn't seem like you have enough content for that width, and realistically all of your menu pages could fit on a single page.

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Heya, not a bad design but it looks good.


- Spacing. I see some incosistant spacing in your design, which sometimes can lead to users having a hard time reading your content/ Maybe look up grids for webdesign, as these are key in light designs like this.

- Alignment. The logo isn't really aligned with the rest of the content. The 'Our Products' content doesn't line up to it, and makes it look a bit uneven.

- Typography. You use Segoe UI and Calibri Body for all of the text (apart from the logo) in your design. One font for a website design gets boring. Mix it up a little and research a little more into typography for different designs.

- Validation. It doesn't validate, but it is literally only about 5 things to clear up and they are easy.


Other than that (I might have missed some things) it is all good.

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You're having an ipod touch giveaway, yet you still don't have a terms of use or a privacy policy? In legal jargon: you can't launch a website without those documents!


* Navigation buttons should change (underline/color/bold) on hover

* The header is too large. I use a 21 inch monitor, so it doesn't look too bad. Make sure you test it on 1024 resolution

* There seems to be some clearing issuing in firefox. Under the products page, the dashed line touches the two buttons for the first product. Firefox 3.0.14, windows vista

* Overall, the website isn't very appealing. The pictures add a little flair, but the font color is boring. The font is blue. The background is blue. The logo is blue. A little bit too much blue I would say.

* What is this website even about? You should have an explanation on the homepage.

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Currently, there is no need for the terms of use or privacy policy as we just sell products through PayPal and the giveaway is through Twitter. The terms of use is useless for such a site as you aren't using anything on the site except browsing (no user accounts or user input). However, the products have their own license & of liability. The giveaway has its own Rules & Regulations and no data is being collected but the username from Twitter as you'd expect, so no issues there.


Will update the navigation links.

The header as in the giveaway image? If so, it's just temporary until the giveaway ends.

The clearing issue is strange, sometimes a refresh fixes the issue, but I'll look into it a bit more.

I'll put the color variations into consideration, possibly a light green as with the buttons in the product details page?

Will definitely add a short explanation; we basically sell Twitter scripts, but we'll probably expand into more categories in the future.


Thanks for the Critique btw, much appreciated. :)

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legal limit statements on paypal do not extend to your site. yes the layout is unexciting but i do like simple. proportions are a bit out. images need to be compressed to a lower footprint. also i agree about not stuffing to much content on one page.

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