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ES equals exam score m equals $mean s equals $total.  I already coded my mean and total so I'm not going to post my code unless it is necessary.  I want to know how to get this into code form using if statements, and also how to echo it.


ES > or equal to m + 1.5s (This will tell what grades are an A)

m + .5s <or equal to ES < m + 1.5s (This will tell what grades are an B)

m - .5s < or equal to ES < m + .5s (This will tell what grades are an C)

m - 1.5s < or equal to ES < m - .5s (This will tell what grades are an D)

ES , m - 1.5s (This will tell what grades are an F)

if ($ES >= ($mean + (1.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'A';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean + (.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'B';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean - (.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'C';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean - (1.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'D';
} else {
  echo 'F (what ever happened to "E")';

it says Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/webalizer/Midterm.php on line 31


also where's the .5? Here's my code.


$numbers = array(59,60,65,75,56,90,66,62,98,72,95,71,63,77,65,77,65,50,85,62); 
$n = sizeof($numbers);

$mean = round(array_sum($numbers), 1) / $n;  
//(xsub1-m)^2+(xsub2-m)^2+(xsub3-m)^2+...+(xsubn-m)^2 all divided by n-1
$total = 0;
foreach($numbers as $num){
$total += pow($num-$mean,2);
$total = sqrt($total / ($n-1));
echo "Mean: ",$mean;
echo "<br>";
echo "Standard Deviation: ",round($total,5);

if($exam_score >= $mean + round($total,5))
     $grade = 'A';

if ($ES >= ($mean + (1.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'A';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean + (.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'B';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean - (.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'C';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean - (1.5 * $total)) {
  echo 'D';
} else {
  echo 'F (what ever happened to "E")';


if ($ES >= ($mean + (1.5 * $total))) {
  echo 'A';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean + (.5 * $total))) {
  echo 'B';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean - (.5 * $total))) {
  echo 'C';
} elseif ($ES >= ($mean - (1.5 * $total))) {
  echo 'D';
} else {
  echo 'F';



Alright, I changed it to that, but it only outputs the letter F.

1) Sorry about the missing parenthesis, I really have to learn to count.


2) Since you did not state the varaible name for the exam score, I just picked up a spare one laying on my desk, it was called $ES.  Now that you have posted some code, I see that yours is called $exam_score, so you need to change all those $ES to $exam_score.


also where's the .5?

3) Where is what .5? There's one in there for the B and one for the C.  If you are asking about the calculation for the F, you don't really need it because if it is not an A, B, C, or D then it has to be an F; right?


4) Your original post simply asked how to make the IF statement for the different grade rules.  So, that's what I wrote.  You said you already had some code so I just put 'echo' in there where the grade would be.  I assumed you would change the 'echo' to whatever it needed to be to fit with the rest of your code (which we could not see).

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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