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Hello i have a div on my site that i want to reload 10 in 10 seconds.

How can i do that?


the div content is this:


 <div id="load_tweets"><p class="style1"><?php echo $row_Recordset3['conselhos_txt']; ?></p></div>


That recordset has:

$query_Recordset3 = "SELECT * FROM conselhos ORDER BY RAND()";


So i just need to print a random quote from my database 10 in 10 seconds.


anyone to help me?



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That is not a very efficient way to do this, and RAND() is known to cause performance problems. It actually depends on your dataset, the larger the data the slower RAND() becomes. If I had a huge dataset of quotes, I would set up a cron job to generate a file of 30 or so quotes every half hour, then cycle through those randomly. To the user it will look completely random each time, but to you it means a savings of (n-1) database hits per half hour where n = page loads during that time.

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